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HOPE CAN'T SIT STILL as soon as he she caught the glimpse of Barry's knock out trailer when JJ made a turn to the messy lawn that she's familiar with. She didn't know why JJ needs to drive here but she can feel it's going to be bad.

Bad enough for him and the rest of them.

She glances at him from the passenger seat, the boy still has his eyes on the road but Hope caught a faint smirk on his lips. That's enough to tell her that he's got something in his mind.

Hope turns to the back to face the rest of the Pogues, they also got the same confused look as her but neither of them dare to pop any questions.

Especially when both her and JJ just got a back and forth arguments through the ride when JJ keep demanding a direction from her to Barry's while Hope refused to give it to him until he tells her his motives.

But she's giving up at last, she finally shows him the direction because she didn't want to keep fighting with him. She didn't want to create anything that going to ruin their relationship, she had enough with the arguing and screaming and even a yelling with a specific someone.

She didn't want those become a thing between her and JJ.

The Pogues didn't really understand the whole things that happened. Especially about Hope knowing a direction to a durge dealer's house and based on their arguments, she's also happened to know Barry more than she should. Though they still confused and even surprised, none of them dare to utter the question.

They just think it's not the right time yet.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B popped the question when the van finally stopped moving and parked at the yard.

He looks so done, like he literally can guess this move pulled by his friend.

"This'll only take a second" JJ assured.

He takes a look on Barry's card just to check up the address and to make sure that Hope didn't give out a false direction just so she can avoid the drug dealer get screwed. He starts to grab the handle to push the door open when he's sure that he's at the right place.

"JJ--" Hope called out his name when he's about to get out from the van.

The blond stops halfway from stepping out to the ground, he turns his head to look at the girl when he heard his name.

"What?" he asked, raising his brows.

She pursed her lips "I don't like this, okay? We shouldn't be here" she said.

"We'll be fine" JJ states "And it won't be long. I promised"

"Whatever you have in your mind right now, just forget about it. It's going to be a bad idea and we're going to get screwed if he knows we're here" She tried again when JJ is about to continue his moves.

"He's not going to do anything to you, so you're not going to get screw up. Us? Maybe but definitely not you" JJ said, knowing that she's got a some sort of twisted relationship with the drug dealer "Plus, I'm pretty sure you can talk our way out to him if he actually be coming for our asses"

"You don't know that, JJ" Hope shook her head.

She actually doubts that Barry is going to be easy going to her this time. She don't think she's got that priviledge anymore, not after the arguments she had with him when she decided to go back to Rafe after everything he put her through.

And honestly, she's not even surprised if Barry really get mad at her for that. Because she's indeed was stupid for went back to Rafe even after what he did. She understand if the man had it enough with her.

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