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"MIA, HEY" Rafe Cameron stops the girl before she get into her car forcing Hope to turn at the called of her name.

She can't help to feel nervous when she saw Rafe already marching towards her, afraid if he's going to bring up the previous conversation about her didn't want to tell him something

She looks around, hoping to see Sarah or even Wheezie at this point to help her out but no one there to come for her rescue. So she just accepts her fate, telling herself she got it. She can handle a Rafe Cameron, right? She already did before

"What's up, Rafe" Hope said, looking at him

Rafe continues his walks until he's reaching her while Hope waiting for him to open her mouth, playing with her cuff to hide her nervousness

"Where are you going? Thought you're hanging out with Sarah?" he asked nicely, a smile plaster on his face. Seems like someone woke up on the right side of his bed.

She thought he would be all grumpy after she just respectfully kicked him out from pestering on the conversations between her and Sarah

"Nah, I just dropped something for her. I'm heading back home" Hope peeped, letting the lie rolled out from her tongue.

She just pray that Rafe isn't going to her house to hang with Topper, she'll be doomed if that happened. It already suspicious enough when he heard the conversation earlier

"Mm-hm" Rafe nods his head, giving her a look like he doesn't believe her but Hope just keeping her face stoic trying not to look guilty

"I heard there was a fight last night at the party you guys been" thankfully, Rafe isn't trying to ask more question about it. But this another question about last night made Hope wants to gallop as much as the first one. She's gulping, looking at him with a slight panic


"And that dirty Pogue pulling out a damn gun?" Rafe asked again, raising his brow

Oh he knows, of course he knows. Topper must bragging about it to him as soon as he can. Hope wonders what would happen if Rafe was there at the beach during the fight happened.

John B can get more hurt than he already did last night and JJ probably would face the same shit for what he did to Topper

Topper is nothing compared to Rafe. The Cameron's boy is more aggressive and reckless. She doubts a gun would stop Rafe from beating those Pogues, Hope is so grateful that Rafe wasn't there, because things would be so much complicated and worse if it was down to Rafe

"In their defences, he was trying to save his friend that could die because of Topper" Hope bravely said, consciously taking JJ's side even though she was pretty freaks out about what happened.

"For the love of the God, Mia. Why are you always taking their side?" Rafe complained, shooting a disbelief look "These guys putting a gun at your brother's head, you seriously still defending them?

"You weren't there last night, Rafe. I don't know what Top was telling you but that just not it"

"So, that freaking Maybank didn't put the gun on Top's head with the safety off?" Rafe questioned, narrowing his eyes.

Hope purse her lips, he kinda get her there for it. But he's still didn't know the full truth, she's so sure that Topper might twist a little the story so he doesn't look bad

"Yes, after he was trying to drown John B" Hope countered back "Would you say the same for it if Topper actually killed that boy? Or you just brushed it away because he's just a dirty Pogue and deserved what he get?"

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