(13) Only You

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Yeona and I walked into the restaurant. As we entered, a man rose from his seat & called out, "Ms. Park Yeona." We quickly approached him
"Nice to meet you." Yeona smiled.
"I'm prosecutor Shin Doo-yeong." He extended her hand to greet her and Yeona accepted it but he enveloped her hand in his, holding on for a little too long.
"We finally meet, it's an honor." He smiled.
"Please have a seat." He motioned for her to take a seat and I stood beside Yeona.
"And who this might be?" He acknowledged my presence now.
"He's my bodyguard, please understand." Yeona said.
"No problem, it's just a common practice for upper-class, am I right?"
"I'm sorry about the last time."
"It was for the best, your value peaked in the meantime." He grinned.
"My value?"
"You'll become the chairwoman right?" He whispered.
"Right." Yeona smiled.
"I ordered for you, Yeona. You like steak & wine, right? And you like me too, right?"
There was silence after that, Yeona, trying to ease the awkwardness, mustered a polite chuckle.

What the hell is wrong with this guy!
I clenched my fists, trying to hide my frustration.

"So you're a prosecutor?" Yeona asked him.
"Yes, be careful or I'll indict you... for stealing my heart, Yeona." He laughed.
It was evident that he only found himself hilarious, even if the rest of us didn't.

"Where does he even learn those lines?" I muttered while glaring at him.
The waiter served them the food.
"Let's eat first, I even ordered some lobster because of the restaurant's recommendation."
He smiled.
"Let me take a look." The man abruptly stood up and leaned over the table, sniffing the lobster dish in front of him.
"Fill your nose with the aroma." He whispered.

That's it, I'm done with this weirdo now.

I quickly reached out and grabbed Yeona's wrist, using my powers to make the lobster bite the man's lip. He tried desperately to loosen his grip but failed miserably.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back." He rushed towards the restroom.
"The lobster really liked him." I chuckled.
Yeona pulled her wrist free from my grasp and glared at me, "What did you do?"
"Shut his mouth, I couldn't stand him anymore."
"Stay out of this."

Minutes later, the man returned, his lips now swollen and red. I couldn't help but suppress my laughter.
"Are you okay?" Yeona asked him.
"Yes... The lobster here is really fresh." He smiled & sat down.
"What are you doing later?"
"I have a trial to attend but why do you ask?"
"Let's register our marriage today."
"Woah! You're really quick, you're totally my type, Yeona." He smiled.

Is she serious? Did she actually fall for this lobster-kissed man?

"Then, I'll meet you at the district office after the trial." He added.
"See you in a bit." Yeona smiled.
He held Yeona's hand and wrapped his arms around her, "I can't believe we'll be married in just two hours."
"Neither can I." Yeona pulled her hand away from his embrace.
We that we left the restaurant and made our way towards our car.

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Yeona's POV

As I got inside the car, I noticed Gu-won, had a curious expression on his face. He shifted his attention from the road and asked me, "Are you really going to marry that sleazebag?"
I nodded, "I need someone who can go after the chaebols with me."
"Still, you can't marry someone like him."
"You don't need to care about me, Gu-won."

I decided to call Ms. Seo, to discuss the arrangements needed for my wedding.
"Please prepare a press release, the wedding will be held tomorrow. You & Mr. Jeong could be our witnesses, please pick a dress for me, something fancy that would look good on the camera. As for the ring, there's no need, I already have one from Ye-jin oppa."
"Noted Ma'am, all the arrangements will be done." She replied and I hung up the call
"I can't stand it anymore. Marry or divorce whoever you want for all I care, just don't make that face in front of me." Gu-won sighed.
I shot him a sharp glance, "Who are you to tell me that?"
"You look as if you're being dragged to a slaughter house."
"Then just don't look at me." I retorted.
"You're right, I won't."

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. He turned in his seat to face me, his grip tightening as he grabbed my wrist.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.
"I won't have to be with you once I catch the culprit." He smiled.
"Let's catch the bastard."

In an instant, the world around us changed, we now were in an unfamiliar surrounding.
Sitting in front of us was a man, a man I recognized. It was the same man who had attacked Gu-won yesterday night.
"What are you two doing here?" He asked.
"I thought we were going to catch the culprit." I looked at Gu-won.
"As you said, it takes one scumbag to deal with another." He had a mischievous smile on his face.

Gu-won snapped his fingers and a piece of paper appeared in his hand, it was the sketch of the culprit that Detective Choi showed us.
"You see this? Bring this bastard to me." Gu-won said to the man.
"Are we, The Wild Dogs a joke to you? Do you think I'll do as you say?" The man rose from seat and threw a glass in our direction but it shattered against the wall.

Gu-won's anger flared, "Great, I guess I'll take it out on you."
He tightened his grip around my wrist and suddenly a glass from the table went soaring through the air towards the man but he managed to dodge it.

"Try & dodge this too." Gu-won smirked.
"Let's not waste our time here, let's go." I grabbed Gu-won's hand, urging him to leave.
Gu-won ignored me, another glass went flying towards the man, this time, his aim was true, and the glass collided with the boss's shoulder, shattering on impact.

"What are you doing?" I shouted.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm paying him back. I've been a mess ever since he hit me on the head."
"Stop it Gu-won, he might die."
"Sorry, It's all my fault, I'll do as you say." The man cried, begging for his life.

"It's too late now." Gu-won said, all the cutlery from the surrounding tables lifted into the air, hovering above the man. I pulled my wrist away from Gu-won's grasp, just then the cutlery dropped to the ground.
"Give me your wrist." Gu-won extended his hand.
"No." I replied.
"Stop getting in my way, Yeona."

"Why are you acting like this, Gu-won? Pull yourself together & tell me what your problem is."
"You want to know what my problem is? You, you're my problem. My life was perfect until I met you but it's become a mess since you come into my life." He yelled, his voice filled with frustration and anger.
"If it weren't for you, I'd be just fine."

How could someone be so hurtful?
I felt my chest tighten with emotions, a mixture of anger and betrayal.
"Let's stop this, I'll let you go. You're no longer my bodyguard." I said.
"Fine, let's stop with this bodyguard crap."
With those words, I left from there.

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As I freshened up, I decided to text Shin Doo-yeong, informing him that I'll meet him tomorrow. To my surprise, I heard a song playing in my hall but I never did play it.

Sensing danger, I grabbed my pocket knife for and cautiously stepped into hall but no one was there. I reached for my phone to dial my emergency contact but before I could make the call, I felt somebody's hand cover my mouth from behind. I tried to break free but soon I lost consciousness.

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As I slowly flickered open my eyes, I found myself hanging from the 22nd floor, of my balcony. My heart raced in terror and I cried out for help.
Suddenly, a man appeared on the balcony above, looking at me with a sadistic grin.
He took out a knife and sliced through one side of the rope.
"No... no no please don't do that." I cried as I tightly clung onto the other side of the rope, begging and crying for my life.

The man began to cut the remaining side of the rope, "No, please stop, please don't do that..." Tears streamed down my face as I held my breath. Just as I was about to fall down, a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. I looked up, tears blurring my vision.
"Jeong Gu-won" The words left my mouth as soon as I realized who it was.

The man raised his knife & was about to attack Gu-won, without thinking for a second Gu-won jumped down with me.
I tightly closed my eyes waiting for death now but we landed safely on the ground. That was when I realized Gu-won had used his powers once again to save me.

I clung to Gu-won, embracing him tightly, tears streamed down my face.
"It's okay, it's all over now." He ran a comforting hand over my trembling back.

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