(2) A Deadly Chase

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As I walked inside the lavish restaurant, the dimly lit room seemed unusually empty.
I scanned the room and my eyes caught sight of a man sitting alone at one of the tables. He was engrossed in a newspaper, completely unbothered by my presence.
"I didn't know that people still read printed newspapers, is it just for show?" I took my seat, right infront of him.
"I'll let you know that I have no interest in dating and men. I'm married to my work." That's what I thought to myself until he put the newspaper down.
He had dark, tousled hair that fell perfectly in place, complementing his chocolate brown colored eyes. It was hard not to be attracted to him.

"Marry your work or pillow, I don't care. If you must share personal information, I'd prefer your bank password." He said nonchalantly.
"Did we go to school together by any chance?" I chuckled.
"Not possible.."
"Have me met before?"
"Then you'd remember me..wait.."
"So you're not my school friend or ex, then where are your manners mister?"
"Humans have the memory of a goldfish, it's not my problem you that don't remember but we met last night when you were pretty drunk, roaming on the streets."
I have no idea what this handsome nutjob is blabbering out.

"I booked this entire restaurant to have a quite meal." He continues.
"Sounds good, it'll be nice & awkward."
We placed our orders, moments later, the waiteress returned with our food, placing the plates delicately in front of us. I noticed my date toying with his food, creating designs on his plate.
"What is he, a little kid?" I whispered to myself but he heard it as he looked up to me.
"I was just admiring your youthful spirit." I pretended to smile.
He nodded, "I look a lot younger than my age."
"You obviously weren't looking for a meal, so why did you insist on staying?" He added.
"I'm just trying to be polite." I smiled.
"Polite to whom? You're being absolutely rude to me."
"I'm just following orders from above."
"From above?" He looked serious.
"I can't defy against his sacred words."
"Who the hell...I mean, who are you?"
"I almost forgot, we haven't introduced ourselves properly. I'm Park Yeona, CEO of Geum Pharmaceuticals." I said.
"You're supposed to introduce yourself, mister."
"Unlike you, I don't enjoy disclosing personal information."
"I understand you were forced to be here, just like me but we should work together to get through this."
"Jeong Gu-won, Director of Sunwol Foundation."
"My foundation supports traditional artists & dancers, how are you not familiar with such a reputed foundation? Maybe you should try reading some newspapers. Now can you tell me, what exactly is going on here?"
"A blind date, didn't they tell you?"
"Are you saying that god is setting me up with you?"
"Calling my brother god would be too much." I chuckled.
"Brother? Is that what you meant by when you said from above?"
I nodded.

As he realized, he started laughing, "No other human has made me this nervous."
"I'm glad atleast one of us enjoyed this."
"I'm sorry but Cinderella's time is up, bye." I said & hurried towards the door, where some men were already waiting for someone.

I witnessed a chef stumbling over his own feet, his hands jerked upwards, sending a perfectly frosted cake flying through the air, straight towards me. I realized I was about to become the recipient of a cake to the face but just as the cake was mere inches away from my face, Guwon approached me, he reached out and grabbed me by the waist and caught the cake with his other hand, his grip firm.

I stared at him, his eyes met mine, twinkling with charm. I blushed deep crimson, as I regained my composure, words finally tumbled out of my mouth, "I...I'll be back.." I excused myself from there, toward the restroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror, my cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.
"Maybe he isn't a jerk afterall.." I was trying to assure myself.
"I have been so busy with work lately that I haven't dated in forever." My fingers delicately touched up my lipstick.
What am I even doing? Was I actually expecting something!?

I left the restroom but as I approached him, a feeling of disappointment washed over me. The cake had been spoiled and scattered all over the marble floor.
"I thought it'd be rude to leave without trying the cake.." I said.
"The party's over." He replied.
"By yourself?"
"Who says that it was for you? Why would I care about you? Anyway leave, I'm busy sorting out trash."
"Nice meeting you, Mr. Jeong. I really hope that the rest of your day sucks. Be sure to show some manners if we meet again. I don't want anyone to think that you're my ex."
"Shouldn't you be more polite while making a request?"
"That wasn't a request." I said & left from there.


As the rain poured heavily outside, I made my way back to my brother's house, as I entered inside, I noticed my sister-in-law, Park Sang-mi, sitting comfortably on the couch, a sly grin appearing on her angelic face.

"Back so soon? Did you reject him as well?" she taunted.
Before I could respond, my brother emerged from the kitchen.
"How was the blind date?" he asked.
"Horrible." I replied.
"Just remember, looks aren't everything."
"Looks were all he had." I muttered.
Ye-jin, handed me his phone, "Does he look better in real life?"

The photo on the phone was of a man, but it wasn't the guy I had gone on a date with. It was someone completely different, and not the man that I just met some hours ago.
"I didn't go on a date with this man, his name was Jeong Gu-won, Director of Sunwol Foundation." I said.
"What?" I stammered, my mind trying to piece together the evening's events.
Ye-jin quickly dialed the Foundation's number, apologizing for the mistake.

"Hello, this is Park Ye-jin from Geum Pharmaceuticals, I would like to apologize for interrupting your meal today. I would like to pay a compensation.." Ye-jin was interrupted by Gu-won's stern voice,
"No need." as he hung up the call.
"So, he's a jerk to everyone." I muttered.
"It's a match made in hell, Yeona." Sang-mi grinned.
"You both suit each other alot especially in terms of personality, you both are extraordinarily rude." She added.
"Enough, Sang-mi." Ye-jin raised his voice a little.
"Ye-jin, it's okay, something's just can't be fixed anyways I'll leave now." I smiled.
"Should I set up another date?"
"No, don't you dare."
"No mistakes this time, I swear!"
"My answer is still no!" I hurried out of the door.


I stood on the sidewalk, waiting for my Uber to arrive. It had been a tiring day, and I couldn't wait to get home and sleep. After ten long minutes of wait, a car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down, and a voice called out, "Miss, are you the one who booked an Uber?"
I nodded, "Yes, that's me."
I opened the car door and settled into the backseat. After about fifteen minutes, I noticed something odd. According to the app on my phone, my actual driver was still seventeen minutes away. The driver turned onto an unfamiliar lonely countryside road. Panic began to well up inside me as I continued to observe him, I noticed an injury on the back of his neck.

"Who are you?" I asked him.
His gaze met mine through the rearview mirror, "Wrong question you should be asking why." he replied, his voice remained calm.
"Don't you want to know the reason why you're dying?" He grinned.
He swiftly turned back in his seat and lunged at me, his fingers wrapping around my throat. I struggled against his grip, trying to bite his hand. He took out his handkerchief & moved to cover my face, "Park Ye-jin is the reason of your death." He whispered.
I instinctively pulled back, pretending to be faint.

As he grabbed a knife & approached me, I gathered my strength and punched him in the face, he recoiled, giving me a few seconds to open the door and escape. I sprinted away from the car, panic gripped me when I realized that the driver was still chasing after me with a knife in his hand.

As I dashed along the bridge, scanning for any sign of help, my gaze fell upon a figure that was visible amidst the shadows. A flicker of hope ignited within me as I realized that this stranger might be able to help me but what if he was also involved with that driver, who desperately wanted to kill me.

A/N: Did you guys watch ep9???
Do-hee is so funny when she's drunk lol..also the ending..why did Ga-young reveal Guwon's identity (ToT) & how will he get his powers back now!!??

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