Here Comes the Bride

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I woke up to screaming from all over the place. Derek and I shot up and ran to the closest room. That was Parker's room. When I seen the scene, I stifled my laughter. All over the place, I seen Justin Bieber and One Direction posters. Barbie dolls and pads. Hello Kitty blanket and hello kitty sheets. The funniest was a giant poster of One Direction where Zayn was hearted in lipstick. It said 'Parker + Zayn = Love Forever.' Parker seen me and growled. "You! You and your evil little minions did this!" I chuckled,"Parker, I swear this is not my work. But whoever did this is a genius!" I said looking around. "That's because you did it! You girlified it!" I laughed. "No, last night we waxed Aaron's legs and then forced him to watch the Notebook. Then we all fell asleep in Izzy's room and Derek had to come and take me to bed. Giana had to practically stumble to her car. Trevor came and got Chelsie while you came in and got Hannah, remember?" Aaron walked by. "Hey aaron, stopped and glared at me. "Tell Parker what we did to you after we took you upstairs,"You waxed my legs and forced me to watch the notebook," He shudders. "Then you all fell asleep and I had to tell the guys to come and get you. I should've did something to you but I am too nice." I furrowed my eyebrows," Why only me?" I asked crossing my arms. "Because your are the leader and your'e evil!" All three of them said in sync and I walked away.

I passed Bri in the hallway and I secretly get her a high five. Then I walked into my room and closed the door. I sighed I have a lot of work to do...


I stood in the mirror, staring at my reflection. Today is the day, today is my day. The day I marry the man I love. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I ask. "Your hair salon!" Izzy answered. I rolled my eyes. "It's open!" They came in. "Giana get the makeup, I'll get the hair." Izzy said.

By the time they were finished, I felt pre wedding jitters. I sighed. "What's wrong, Em?" Giana asked. I look up at her,"What if he changes his mind? You know he never really ties himself down to one girl." I say and sit on my bed. "Are you blind? It's obvious he loves you and always loved you. Not because you two are mates either. How happy he was when he found out you were pregnant. How he only wants his smell on you. How he wants to buy you expensive things. He's always been head over heels for you even when he was with me. But, now he can show it to you." Giana said which made me smile. I hugged her. Then Hannah and Chelsie came in with the twins.

"These two are a handful." Hannah said handing Belle to me. I smiled at her. She had Derek's eyes. But has my hair color, while DJ had Dereks' hair but my eyes. Belle was dressed in her little dress and her little headband. While DJ was wearing his little tuxedo and pink tie. (Which Derek despises very much.) My mom and Bri walked in. "Honey, you look beautiful, as always." My mom said and I blushed. "Thanks mom." "Honey, I know recently I haven't been there a lot, but I just want to give you this," She opened up a case to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace.

Bri tried to touch it but mom slapped her hand away. "It was your great grandmother's when she was your age and it has been passed down each generation. Now It's your turn to wear it on your wedding day." I smiled and took it. Izzy put it on for me. My mom started to cry,"Oh, my baby is growing up!" I rolled my eyes. "Mother!" I yelled. Bri took her downstairs. Brenda and my elder brother Caleb came in. "Hey sis. You look beautiful." I thanked him and hugged him. That's when I heard 'Mate.' From the door. We turned and saw Valerie standing there staring at Caleb. Caleb let go of me and walked over to her. Wow, Valerie and Caleb are mates? Go figure.

My dad and Aaron walked in, ignoring Caleb sucking faces with Valerie. "Honey the wedding is starting soon. I nodded and the girls piled out. Mom and Brenda took the twins and everyone got in formation by the steps to the ballroom. We have to ballrooms and we are using one for the ceremony and one for the reception. The ballroom steps formation involves standing on each side of the wall to the steps and then you come down. The bride's maid and the groomsman will meet at the landing an walk the rest of the way together. Confusing, I know. Blame Izzy,

First, Izzy and Aaron went. Then, Chelsie and Trevor. Then, Hannah and Parker. Giana and Jacob. Opal and this guy named Nick, Bri and Derek's cousin, and Andrea and Derek's other cousin. Courtney said she didn't want to be a bride's maid and that she'd rather watch in the crowd. Then, Mindy, my uncle Sterling's 8 year old daughter and my flower girl, started walking down the aisle, spreading rose petals. "Ready?" My father asked me. "I think so." I reply. It was now my turn. I feel my stomach jitters come back.

 I walked down the steps and met father on the landing. We then linked arms and walked down the rest of the steps. Everyone stood at my arrival and my stomach started doing flips. There he is. With the biggest smile on his face. My father and I walk slowly as the 'Wedding March'. My mom and Brenda's mom were crying, Izzy's mom was filming it. Izzy is my maid of honor. Aaron is Derek's best man. God it's like we're 8 all over again!

We finally reach Derek and my father let's me go and kisses my cheek. Derek takes my hand and looks me in the eye. 'You look beautiful, baby.' He mouthed and I blushed.We actually had a judge do the ceremony. I steered for more traditional vows while Derek had to be a clown. It was finally time. "If anyone do not agree with this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace." I hoped and prayed that no one would interfere. Fath really is a cruel mistress. "NO!" A drunk Luke said stumbling down the aisle. "Oh no." I whispered and Derek tightned his grip on my hands. "You c-can't marry that d-douche!" He slurred. Now in front of us. "I unders-stand I made a big m-mistake, b-but I l-love you! W-hy do you h-have to marry him? Have h-his children? T-Those women m-meant nothing t-to me. I o-only l-love you! Please t-take me back." he said slurring his words and his was on his knees gripping my dress.

"Luke, I'd advise you to leave, before you are escorted out." Derek sounding profesional. It was kind of turning me on. He smirked at my statement. Ass. Luke glared at Derek and turned to me. "You dump me, for him? You are just the same pathetic, weak, little bitch you were when we dated!" He raised his hand up motioning to smack me. But Derek's hand caught him. The guards came and dragged Luke out kicking and screaming profanities.

"Uh, Let's get back up and running. Do you, Derek Walters, take Emeli Sanders as your lawfully wedded wife?Through sickness and through health. Through riches and through poverty " The judge asked. "I do." He smiled at me. "And do you, Emeli Sanders, take Derek Walters as your lawfully wedded husband?" I smiled," I definetly do." I said with tears in my eyes. "Now, by the power of me and the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Derek didn't hesitate to pull me in for a kiss and the crowd cheered. I heard the judge mumble that he needed a drink. We pulled away. "Congratulations, Mrs.Walters." Derek said putting our foreheads together,"Same to you Mr.Walters." I said smiling.                  

Today, I was oficially Mrs. Walters.                                         

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