So It's Really Over...

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After a few days ago, I stayed in my room. Not wanting to face anyone, especially you know who.

Everyone has been trying to talk to me and get me out but I refuse. This is my first major heartbreak and it feels horrible.

But I then remembered that being pathetic isn't for me. I decided to show Derek that his rejection isn't killing me, but making me stronger.

I reluctantly take a much needed shower. Letting the hot droplets of water cascade down my aching back was relaxing.

After my half hour shower, I straightened my hair and put on light makeup. I put on a pull over PINK hoodie, dark wash skinny jeans, and a pair of flats. Before I walk out, I look in the mirror and slightly smiled.

I creep downstairs and made sure Derek wasn't in the den or the dining room. After making sure he wasn't in the kitchen either, I walk in.

It was only 9:00AM on a Sunday so people were still sleep, even an early bird like Brenda. I pour myself some lucky charms, hoping to get my mind off of that heart breaking mister.

Speaking of the devil.

"Can you pass the lucky charms?" He asks with his velvety morning voice. I ignore him.

Just don't acknowledge he's there.

But he's our mate. We have to talk to him. My wolf tries to reason.

No! He doesn't want us! He rejected us! I try to tell her.

No. He doesn't want us, but his wolf does! she again tries to reason with me.

Whatever. I finish my cereal and was about to leave the room when an arm stops me.


"Don't call me Em! Only my friends have that privilege." I push past him and go upstairs to be greeted by Giana.

"Well, well, well, the beast is finally out of her cave?" She asks.

"Giana, you're right, you finally came out of the bedroom from screwing Derek."

Her smirk dropped but appeared again,"You're just jealous that Derek rejected your ugly ass. Wanna know what he said after? He said that he was happy he finally got rid of such a pathetic, ugly, whore like you. And he feels that I'd be a better luna." She says confidently.

I just bump her and walk into my room fighting unshed tears. 'Don't believe her, she never liked your relationship with him anyways.' That's what I told myself, but deep down, I had a feeling it was true.


It was 8:00PM and Izzy, our friends Chelsie and Hannah, Briella, and I were watching the notebook in my room. All of a sudden, we were mind linked that there was a big announcement from the Alpha, and all pack members were required to come.

I groaned and paused the movie. "Hey Emmy?" Chelsie asked.

"Yeah, Chels?"

"Why don't you hang with Derek anymore?"

All the girls started a chorus of 'Yeah's'.

"Um do we have to talk to each other every day?" I asked putting emphasis on every.

"Well, you two used to literally hang out every day. It was just kind of weird he wasn't up here with us-"

"Can we just DROP IT?" I ask getting annoyed of the topic of our conversation being of him.

They nodded. "Sorry, i'm just not feeling good." I apologized. They understood, even though they didn't know what it was about.

Downstairs was crowded with the pack.

All of a sudden you heard Derek's booming voice and everyone quieted down. "Thank you, now I have two announcements to make. One, we have four new members of the pack today. Carl Henderson, Anna Henderson, and their kids Courtney and Zac. You will make them feel welcome, they are upstairs a sleep so no one bother them..."

He continued, "Next, as you know I had my 18th birthday ball yesterday to find my mate and complete my Alpha ceremony. I am now going to introduce my mate." I froze.

What? He's going to tell everyone that I'm his mate? No, impossible. He rejected me. Maybe he has a change of heart...

"Giana?" He ask looking around for her. I heard a high pitched squeal and Giana pushed past people and met Derek on the stage.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. He's saying that Giana is his mate when I am.

So it really is over, then.

Everyone cheered and congratulated the new 'couple' while I just stood there frozen. Soon the crowd dispersed and the girls and I went back upstairs.

When we got into the room, Izzy spoke up,"What's up?" Izzy asked with her arms crossed.

"What're you talking about?" I asked knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"Don't play dumb, Em. We saw how you looked when he announced that that slut was his mate, what's going on?" Hannah asked. I sat down on my bed feeling tears blurry my vision.

"You guys have to promise to keep it a secret." I whisper.


"PROMISE!" I yelled looking up, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Promise." They say in sync.

I sighed," Okay um, so I kind of found my mate,"

They all got excited," But he rejected me."

Their smiles turned into frowns. "That's devastating, Em. Who would reject you? You are the prettiest, smartest, most outgoing girl I know. Plus, the most popular in school." Hannah said sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, and I guess, you aren't that much of an annoying sister." Bri added causing me to giggle a little but I still cried.

"It's D-D-" I started,"Spit it out, girl!" Chelsie exclaimed.

"Derek..." I say quietly.

"Em, you're going to have to speak louder." Bri said and I glared at her.

"De-rek." I said pronouncing each syllable. They all gasped.

"That's why you disappeared from the ball on Saturday?" Izyy asked. I nodded and sobbed.

"He w-was s-supposed to be m-my best f-friend, a-and now I l-love him! E-earlier, G-Giana said that he would rather have Giana as a l-luna than me a-any day." I sobbed more.

Hannah rubbed my back and whispered soothing words to me. They said things like, 'He's a jerk.' 'He's an ass.' 'He doesn't deserve you.' 'I'll kick his fucking Alpha ass.' That one was from Izzy.

"Guys?" I asked them. They looked at me with sympathy," Can you guys sleep over?" They all said yes.

They were right, he is an ass, jerk, and doesn't deserve me. Tomorrow at school, I'll show him.

Rejected by my Best Friend (Book #1 in the RBMBF series)Where stories live. Discover now