Chapter 7

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The weeks rolled into a few months quickly this way, with Will remaining absorbed in his very own work. It was a little strange to him and it felt like sort of an extension of graduate school, and he didn't really know what to make of it. Sure, he had wanted this job more than anything, but there was something vaguely unsatisfying about his work now. Maybe it was because Will had been left in the dark about all other research going on at the company, and he had no real idea why Veldin wanted Will to continue with his research, or of what use it would be to the company. After their initial conversions, Veldin seemed fairly disinterested in Will's work, perhaps because he was too preoccupied with his own.

But it was Veldin's research team that Will had really hoped he could become a part of. He was certain that being more directly involved with Veldin's research was the way to become successful at Zenrad and progress his career. But Will hadn't been directly asked to do so, and he had no idea how to bring it up. He figured at this point he really had no other choice but to directly ask Veldin about it. The thought of this kind of confrontation with his boss gave him knots in his stomach, but Will knew it had to be done. If he was too afraid to speak up, he might never get what he wanted and he supposed this was the adult sort of thing that just had to be done to get ahead.

After lunch that day when Veldin stopped by Will's lab, he decided to go for it.

"Dr. Veldin?" Will questioned as the older gentleman sifted through his lab notes. Veldin looked up, arching an eyebrow at the interruption.

"I've been working at Zenrad for several months now, and I hope you've come to understand my character and how seriously I take my work," Will began before he broke eye contact briefly, hoping it wasn't totally obvious how nervous and uncomfortable it was for him to have this conversation, "And I guess I was really hoping to become more involved with your research projects here. I've read all your published works, and I'd really love to collaborate with you on your work."

Will waited then, his stomach flip-flopping as Veldin eyed him in consideration, seemingly surprised by Will's request. Or at least that was what Will thought. Then Veldin smiled at him.

"You want to become involved with my research, eh?"

Will nodded at this, swallowing.

"Well then, wait here." Veldin exited the lab and returned a short time later carrying a stack of papers. "This is my research—the pre-print stuff—" Veldin leveled his eyes at Will, "Start here. Once you finish reading through this, we'll talk."

"Thank you, thank you very much," Will said as he accepted the stack of papers, thrilled with being given this new opportunity. The research in his hands excited him too, that he would be able to read it firsthand—all of Veldin's current studies—before anyone else was an amazing thing.

Once Will got back to his apartment, he got straight to work reading his way through Veldin's stack of studies. Thoroughly engrossed, he stayed up well past his bedtime reading them, and even when he was finished, he re-read a few of the papers, absolutely astounded at the findings.

The next day Veldin approached him in the morning, asking about his progress with the readings.

"I read them all," Will said in awe. His excitement about what he had learned was almost palpable.

Veldin nodded at him, pleased. "Then you understand the magnitude of what I'm doing here. What it means for the entire human race."

Will nodded fervently. "This could...this could eradicate all mental disabilities. Everyone could have an IQ above 140."

Again, Veldin nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement, "And that's only the beginning. Wait until you see what we can do."

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