What happened to Zhan'er

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It's been days since the announcement was made, and now there is only one day left till the end of the deadline. As of now many are gathered in a stadium, although it's nut filled but it is still crowded with humans that were able to make it there alive.

There was no more healing potion so those that came injured were forced to go through the normal treatment, some arrived with critical injuries that couldn't be healed or treated and in the process, died, but lucky for the three of them their injuries were not that serious.

Banjo was in a wheelchair, his knees were fractured because he had to jump down the helicopter while carrying Yufei and X. Yufei was only with a bandaid on her head and wrist, she also was pale and weak when they arrived but they met Mr and Mrs Tang at the stadium, and since then Yufei has been with them recovering.

X didn't really have any injuries, but she was bruised up badly.

On their way to the stadium, Banjo with his fractured knees was supported by Yufei, while X was the one that fought all through the journey, so apart from the fact that she was the one to take the brunt of the attacks she also was exhausted beyond measure.

She was even asleep for three days straight, and she only just woke up few hours earlier, had a solid meal and is back to sleeping.

"Yufei, it's been four days since you got here with Banjo and that other friend of yours, but you still haven't said anything about your brother or answer any of the questions we asked you about Zhan'er, why?" Mrs Tang asked as she hugged Yufei in her arms, she looked at her husband and gave him a knowing look.

"My sweet cherry, my pink butterfly, you were always cheerful, happy quite talkative. When you began your woman stuff, or whenever Banjo had to travel, even when you finally found out about your brothers' condition you were never once sad before or gloomy to the extent you won't talk..." Mr Tang who was beside his wife came up to Yufei and patted her head softly and gently, "please tell us where your brother is so we can go and get him before the ship moves tomorrow."

Yufei's mom was about to persuade her again, until something wet dropped on her wrist, she looked down at it with her bloodshot eyes that seems to be holding back something.

She sees a teardrop on her wrist, slowly and gradually rolling down the hills of her knuckles. Soon enough, others joined in drop after drop kept falling with no hindrance.

"M~ m~ mom~, bro~ brother won't- won't be coming b- back~..." Yufei shakily voice said as she buries her face into her mother's shoulder, soon wetting her mom's clothes with the ever pouring tears that refuses to stop leaking from her eyes.

"... I didn't want him to~ it was our fault for being slacker that kept on dragging him down~ if- if not for our incompetence~ he- he wouldn't have had to jump out of the copter with the zombie... He wouldn't have~he was only trying to save us~" Yufei held her mother's clothes tighter as she weeped and let out the horrible emotions she had been holding in since four days ago, she let it all out as she wailed endlessly, not caring that they were already in the evening and there were chances that some might be asleep already.

Mrs Tang eyes widened in despair as she held onto her daughter as she despaired and wept, "Why? Why? Why? Is this how you repay me back, tell me God. For years I remained a barren, a barren for more than fifteen years, when you finally gave me a child... I didn't complain to you, I didn't wrath against you for giving me a blind malnutritioned child, I didn't complain even when I was being mocked and useless for twenty years of my life, and now you take away my child, my life, my world. Why? Why didn't you take me God? Why? What wickedness did I do to you to get all this, I left my family tradition to serve you, was that a sin, I prayed every day of my life, was that a sin, I went to church four days a week excluding Sundays, was that a sin, I did anonymous charity all over the world, was that a sin, what sin did I commit to warrant this?..."

Mr Tang watched as his wife wailed, wept and cursed at herself for being a bad luck, he looked away with bloodshot teary eyes, as he made eye contact with Banjo, who could only mouth sorry as he dropped his head down in shame.

"Zhan'er... my Zhan'er... my baby boy... Zhan'er..." Mr Tang stood up from his seat, as he left his heartbroken wife and daughter alone, as he went inside a tent.

He opened a small wooden box, and took out three bottles of strong wine that immediately wafts strongly in the air. He uncorks one and immediately downed it at once without stop.

He shook his head furiously as he, wipes tears that finally escapes his eyes, he blinks long and hard as he raised his head up as he sniffles. He opens the second bottle, and downs that one as well.

On the third bottle, as he puts the bottle in his mouth drinking from it, he slumps to the ground and sleeps off, not before mumbling, " she, she had told me to go get them... I was just being irresponsible..."


Banjo leaves the tent after removing the bottle and placing Mr Tang on the futon. He checks on Yufei and Mrs Tang, and sees them both dozed off on each other. He carries them both back to the tent beside Mr Tang and sprays mosquito repellent.

He then goes to the longer tent made for the injured, he reaches where X is placed only to see her murmuring in her sleep.

He could hear Tang Zhan in the sentence but he doesn't bother listening in, as he just arranges he quilt and leaves.

Although he is that close to young master Zhan, but the amount if emotional people he has been with the past few days has affected him as well, almost like the sadness and depression in the air was communicable.

He as well goes to the top of a nearby tree, where he just sits thinking, until he dozes of as well.


The next morning, everyone wakes up with an extremely sad mood. Today was the deadline for the takeoff, and apart from the Tang family, there were also others that still has that little bit if faith and hope that their families or friends will make it before the deadline, but as they saw that the spaceship, which was literally a ship that could fly, that didn't show any signs of activity since they arrived, finally had signs of movement. Hurried and rushed movements.

After a while a woman, stood by the edge of the tall massive ship ledge. She is wearing a gem filled sparkling dress, her auburn hair straight down her shoulders and over her breasts. She wears a veil on her face that covers only to her nose, but not her lustrous red lips.

She held onto a foldable fan, that shines with some sort of mysterious light that looks mesmerizing enough to make everyone presents temporarily forget their sorrows.

The woman smiles, striking more men to the heart, as she opens her small lush lips and says.

"Welcome aboard!".


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