18: ʜᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ ♡

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Even though you were deep in thought, you still gave Furina your sweater to prevent her from catching a cold.

"Is there something that is making you feel uncomfortable?"

Snow piled up on your head while Furina tried her best to figure out what was going on.

It was snowing, right in the middle of Fontaine! Fontaine never got snow, and if it did, it was rarely and not a lot.

The snow reminded her of Neuvillette. Before a trial, it would always rain due to Neuvillette grieving for the person that was about to be sentenced.

That made Furina connect the dots. It was snowing because of you.

"...I don't know."

As minutes went by, it seemed as if the snow was getting worse. She even noticed that your mood was worsening.

Sitting on the bench next to you, she wiped off the pile of snow off your hair and hugged you.

Seeing you like this reminded her of herself.

While she was forced to remember the painful memories, you were forgetting them.

Either way, it was torture for the both of you.

"I might not be able to help you recover everything we've done so far, but I promise I'll do everything in my power to help you remember."

She hugged you tighter.

"I'll do my best for you because I care about you."

You hugged Furina back. The snow was getting lighter.

"..I don't want to forget you."


"Where did he- Oh, there you are, Y/n!"

Paimon waved at you and flew over.

"Whatcha doing?"


Paimon peaked over your shoulder.

In the notebook, she could see a list that was labeled, 'THINGS TO DO:'

As she scanned the list, one thing caught her eye, causing a wide smile to appear on her face.

'Cook breakfast in the morning - Paimon wants French Toast.'


It had been a few days since Furina found out that you could apparently make it snow based on your mood.

It was like Neuvillette, which made her think you were both somehow related, but she decided not to peek into anyone's business.

'Hydro dragon, Hydro dragon. Don't cry.'

A famous saying in Fontaine for whenever it would rain, but what was the saying for when it snowed?


"Whacha nervous about?"

Paimon shoved a mouthful of French toast in her mouth as she waited for you to answer her question.


Paimon swallowed the food and wiped her mouth with her sleeve, which made you sigh.

At least wipe your mouth with a napkin..

"Yeah! You're twiddling your thumbs. Right now, actually."


You looked down and saw that Paimon was right. You were twiddling your thumbs.

♡𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵 ♡ | Furina x Male!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt