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"Alright traveler! All we have to do is look for this mysterious power for Neuvillette, and then we can finally get our reward!!"

Aether only nodded.

Paimon and Aether were sent out on a mission by Neuvillete since he claimed that something didn't feel right.

Aether picked up some slime condensate as he thought about what Neuvillette said to him before he set off for this random ice domain in Fontaine.


"The energy here.. It seems that there is something blocking a fraction of my power. Although it isn't a problem right now, I still want to put a stop to it before it develops into something more.."

Neuvillette set down his glass of water on his desk. The finest water from Liyue.

"Do you think you are up to the task?"

"Hehe, of course we are! Right, traveler?"

Paimon turned to Aether as he crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

He didn't even get a chance to say anything...


Neuvillette let out a satisfied "hum" as he picked up a piece of paper from his desk.

He then handed it to Aether, and Paimon immediately looked over his shoulder.

"What's this?"

"Obviously a map."

Paimon glared at the blonde.

She obviously already knew that!

She wanted to know what the map was exactly for.

"I have marked the areas of where I feel this ominous power throughout Fontaine. I sincerely apologize for the areas being far from town, but if you could end the cause of this odd phenomenon, you will be rewarded handsomely."

This immediately caught Paimon's attention as her eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on her face.


"Yes. That's all I've had to say. Good luck."


"Traveler, look over there!"

Paimon excitedly pointed towards a giant glowing diamond.

Was it a diamond? She didn't know, but it looked cool and promising.

Aether walked towards the giant "diamond" but still kept his sword out.

Who knows what kind of power this thing possessed.

Paimon let out a small gasp as realization hit.

"Wait... is there a person in there?"

Aethers mouth fell agape for a second as he realized that someone really was in the diamond.

No, it wasn't a diamond.

It was ice..

"Quick! Thaw him out before he freezes to death!!"


An hour passed by, and then two. Soon, it had been three, and the unknown person was finally out of the ice, but he was unfortunately unconscious.


"Is he...?"

Aether breathed heavily as he carried the person away from the large pile of ice.

He didn't know why, but he felt more exhausted than usual.

Maybe it was from fighting all those slimes earlier.

When Aether gently laid the person on the ground, he immediately checked for a heartbeat.

His head lingered by the persons chest for a few moments, listening.

-Listening to see if he could pick up any form of sound.

For the first time in a while, Paimon was quiet. She was worried that they potentially found a dead body.

"Hes alive."

Paimons face brightened as she did a little dance.

"Oh, thank goodness! Let's get out of here! This place gives Paimon the creeps!!"

Aether nodded and looked down at the person.

An average height male with long h/c hair. It didn't look like he was passed out.

Rather, it looked like he was sleeping...

All Aether could do was shake his head as he put this person on his back and started making his way to the exit.

♡𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵 ♡ | Furina x Male!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ