Chapter 2: New Friends! Showdown against Demons

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(That someone that saved Abel emerges from the dusty air that it caused and transforms back into its original human form. Abel recognised who it is.)

Abel: (surprised) Zach?! Bro! Long time, no see!

Zach: What's up, bro! What are you doing here?

(Abel and Zach fist bump.)

Abel: I'm saving this young girl named Fae from demons; how about you?

Zach: I was going to the house of my classmate back in high school, then suddenly I heard demons and screaming girl around this forest. It looks like you have finally unlocked your powers.

Abel: Yeah! And it's so cool! I'm getting used to it.

Zach: (smiles) I'm happy for you. By the way, let's kill those demons first.

Abel: Let's go! Fae, just stay here; I will leave some of my feathers to protect you. Don't worry.

Fae: Ok, be careful!

(Abel surrounds Fae with some of his blade feathers to protect her. The demons suddenly start to attack Zach.)

Zach: "Summoning: Charge of the Crash of Rhinos!"

(Zach summons 200 rhinoceros that charge in a straight line towards the demons, causing a stampede that tackles, impales, steps, and kills about 170 demons in the process. Some of the remaining demons start to fly and attack them from above by breathing fire, but Abel and Zach dodged it.)

Note(s): Zach's shapeshifting powers were inspired by Beast Boy in Teen Titans or DC Comics, but Zach can also summon the animals that he wants, and they have the same colour as the original intended animals, unlike Beast Boy's green colour.

Abel: "Baile de la Pluma: Angelic Wings!"

Zach: "Cambio de Forma: Falcon!"

(Abel uses some of his white feathers to form white angelic wings for himself, while Zach transforms into a peregrine falcon for flight.)

Zach: (while flying up to the air with Abel) You really have cool powers now. I remember when we were just kids, we used to have friendly fights. You always win in martial arts, and I always win if I'm using my power because you were powerless back then. But now I think you can win on both.

Abel: Hahaha! I remember that. Let's have a friendly fight again sometimes.

Zach: Ok.

Abel: By the way, I'm planning on having a clan now, and I want you to join me. Please bro! I want you on my team.

Zach: (surprised) Really?! Of course, I'm in! I promised back then that I would be your first ally.

Abel: (Happy) Thanks, Bro! I guess I found my first member!

Zach: There are still so many demons around. I wonder where's the "Brawl Gang" clan? It took them a while to respond.

Abel: The Brawl Gang Clan? I heard that it is the only clan here in Yanggas City.

Zach: Yes, and I heard so many bad stories about them.

Abel: ???

Zach: By the way, I will go fly higher and attack those demons from there.

Abel: Ok! Do what you want, clanmate.

(Suddenly, the demons surround Abel in the air and try to attack him, but his feathers automatically defend him, slicing the demons who touched the feathers.)

Abel: My weapon just saved me again. Now! "Shower of the White Blade Feathers!"

(Abel shoots barrages of white feathers at the demons, creating holes through their bodies and killing them.)

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