Chapter 40

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I greet everyone with hugs and head into the living room.

I told them I'd be right back as I had to go to the bathroom.

When I finish my business, I leave the bathroom and make my way to the living room.

When I saw there were no more seats, I was about to sit on the floor in front of Carter, but instead, he grabbed my arm and made me sit on his lap.

I was not expecting that

I look at him, and he gives me a flirty smirk.

I smile and bring my attention back to the group

We all caught up on our breaks well, besides Carter and me, because ours weren't that eventful.

I found out that Josh started talking to his old girlfriend again

"Yeah, I really like her. We broke up because we were going to different colleges, but I saw her over break, and we started talking again, and yeah, hopefully it works out," he says

Ive never seen this side of Josh before. He is all about hockey and parties. I am happy he is happy.

"Fuck do I have to get a girl now? Everyone is getting simped up," Brett says, and we all laugh

"You will find someone, Brett, but keep doing your ... thing," Jensen says, laughing, knowing he is a big hoe.

We ended up ordering a pizza because it was the first day back, and the guys had yet to stock up their fridge.

After a while, we hear a knock on the door, and Ryan gets up to answer it

"Yo, pizza here!" Ryan yells, and all the guys run towards the kitchen. Even Carter go up so fast I almost fell to the floor, but he caught me and threw me over his shoulder to bring me into the kitchen with him.

"Carter!" I yell while giggling

"Sorry babe, I'm hungry," He says while tapping my ass

I should have known. He likes his food too much.

We all eat and throw jokes at each other

"Brynn, I'm really happy you are back; Carter was a dick without you," Brett says while shoving pizza into his mouth.

"I'm happy I'm back, too," I say while looking at Carter.

We all finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen.

When we finished, Carter and I headed to his bedroom.

We both are now cuddling in his bed.

We are watching some TV show, but we aren't really paying attention since I am so concentrated on his touch. Ive missed it so much.

I am lying on his chest while he plays with my chest.

"I missed you," I say to him, snuggling into his chest more

"I missed you baby, god, I missed you so much," he says, kissing my forehead.

I asked him, "Did you really mean it when you said you wanted to marry me?" since I wanted to discuss it with him.

"Yes, I really mean it. I meant it when I said I see a future with you," he says

"And you want to have kids with me, too," I ask him

"God, yes, I would love to see mini us running around the house, I told you baby, you are it for me." he says, and I smile

"You are going to be a great dad one day. I see how you are around Lauren and Addie, and they adore you," I say

"I really hope so," He says with a sigh

"How many kids do you want?" I ask while I sit up a little to look at him

"Hmm, probably the size of a hockey team," he says, and my eyes widened

"Yeah, I dont think I will be pushing ten-plus kids out of me," I say, and he laughs

"I was just joking. I am okay with as many as you are willing to push out," He says

He is just amazing. I love him so much.

"I want 2 or 3. I think that is a good number," I said

"Me too. I want at least one boy and one girl," he says in agreement

"Same," I say, and I look up at him and kiss him

"I'm just scared," I say

"About what, baby," he says, giving me a questionable look

I take a deep breath and tell him my fear

"How are we going to make this work? What happens when you get drafted? I know you want to stay in New York, but that isn't guaranteed." I tell him

"I know, baby, and I dont know either, but we will figure it out because I am not giving up on you. I am not losing you again. I did once, and that was the worst experience of my life," He says, reassuring me

"Okay, Okay, we will cross that bridge when it comes. But I am not letting you go again either," I say while giving him a kiss

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Chapter 40 is up! And sadly only 2 more chapters left :(

But don't worry we still got some epilogue and bonus chapters ahead!

Thank you so much for reading

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word count - 878

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