Chapter 6

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When I got to work, I had a few tables. Luckily, they were my regulars, whom I love so much. All of the members have lots of money. I know this because this is a private country club, and it costs quite a bit to play and eat here. It's interesting to see what types of jobs these people do for a living. But the table I have right now is the people who inspired me to get into marketing, Mr. and Mrs Donaldson. They always told me stories about how they started their marketing company and even let me intern for them over the summer.

They are the sweetest couple who come in almost every day to have lunch before they go and play a round of golf on the course. I've known them for a few years, and they are honestly the parents I've always wanted. They constantly check in on me and ask how school is going. Something my parents don't do. This is the reason I enjoy my job; it is for people like this. After I finished the Donaldson table, it started to slow down from our lunch rush.

I checked the iPad to see if there were any reservations. There was a three-top for 2:30 pm, but what made my skin crawl was who the reservation was for. 

Mr Jones.

I hated serving his table, well, mostly just him. He makes inappropriate comments about me, whether it's about how my ass looks in my pants or him whispering to whoever he is with about my looks. He makes me feel so uncomfortable.

He is also very high-maintenance. If the water pitcher is half full, he complains that we aren't replenishing his water enough. When he gets the food that he orders, Which is always a Wedge salad, personally, it doesn't look appetizing. It's just a wedge of lettuce and blue cheese dressing with bacon crumbles. He always complains that there isn't enough dressing. I might as well bring out the whole tub of dressing and dump it on his head... I mean his food.

I sigh, dreading the moment he comes in. I started to set his table by placing a reserved sign at the table he always sits at because any other table isn't good enough for him, and he complains. One time, he came in with his business partner during a dinner rush and saw that another member was sitting at his table and demanded them to move. Like, what a dick.

Anyway, I place out the lunch menus and a pitcher of water and wait for the chaos to begin.

As soon as the clock strikes 2:30, it's like an earthquake is happening with his loud footsteps that can be heard from a mile away. I greet him politely and point to where his table is set up. He ignores me and heads to his table. I hold back an eye roll and wait for them to settle in.

Once they look ready, I approach them.

"Good evening, gentleman. Glad to see you back. Can I get you started with anything to drink?" I say in my professional tone

While Mr. Jones ignores me, his guest speaks up first

"Can I just get a Miller Lite, please?" he says as I nod my head and write it in my notebook

I look at Mr. Jones for a moment, and he stares at me like I had the audacity not to remember his drink, I know his drink, it's a double kettle one and club. I don't like to assume what people are having to drink.

I decided to ask, "Would you like your usual Mr. Jonas?" I ask while he does a brief nod.

I wrote that in my notebook as well. I noticed there are only two people here, and the reservation said three. I better find out if someone else is joining them.

"Is there going to be someone else joining you today?" I ask

Mr. Jonas looks at me. "Not that it's any of your business who joins us, but yes, I am waiting on my son. He should be here any moment. But go get my drink," He said in his usual cruel tone.

I hold back another eye roll while I nod with a soft smile and head back to the service room to put their drinks in.

While I turned around, I seemed to hit a brick wall. But not just any brick wall. It felt like the wall I hit last night. No, No, No, please don't tell me who I think this is.

I look up and see ocean-blue eyes. The same eyes that belong to the guy whose bed I woke up in this morning. Does he remember me? I better act like nothing happened.

"Sorry, Miss, I didn't think you were turning around so fast," Carter says. I was about to respond when his father cut me off.

"Don't you apologize to this waitress. She should have been aware of her surroundings; now, whatever your name is, get my son's drink order and hurry up. I want my drink," Mr. Jonas said aggressively.

I look at Carter, waiting for his drink order, as he says, " Just a coke, please." He looks at his dad and says, "I've got practice tonight; I can't be drinking."

As he continued his conversation with his father, I scurried away to put their drink orders in.

Man, I really wasn't expecting that to happen today

I put their drinks into the system and wait for the bartender the make them.

I take a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears. 

Can't he treat me like a normal human and not some lower-class servant? This is why I hate my job. And to make things worse, I slept in the same bed as his son just last night. Ugh, I hate my life.

Chapter 6 is up. Drama is starting to stir up. I really hope you are enjoying it. Please comment, vote, and share. Let me know what you want to read next

word count - 1001

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