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I tossed and turned all night. Maizy's words were lodged in my head like a raspberry seed stuck between my teeth. Having private doubts is one thing, but having them directly confirmed by someone like Maizy, whose world revolves around information, was less than encouraging.

Of course, It wasn't lost on me that Maizy wasn't exactly a reputable source. She would do anything for a smarmy story, even cause chaos in her own dealings. But if it was all slander, or a ploy to start problems, then why stop it? Wouldn't it be better for her to let Robin trick me, knowing what he was, only to steal the information out from under us when it all goes sideways? Why take the time to see me and affect concern? Why not just deny the contract in the first place and send it back to me saying he wasn't an acceptable choice?

That swirling feeling in my stomach returns and I can hear my internal voice reminding me that something isn't right. I knew what my impression of Robin was, and even if he was an extraordinary liar, there was no way he could deceive me for weeks on end. I wasn't that much of a fool... Right?

All that was left to do was ask him. If Robin really was a secretly depraved opportunist, then it was imperative I find out as soon as possible for the sake of the project and for my peace of mind. Except there was one slight problem... I had no idea how to bring the topic up.

Was I supposed to corner him somewhere and start bombarding him with questions until he broke? Did I play bad-cop and suspend him from the project if I didn't get answers? Was I supposed to take him to coffee like a co-worker, or invite him over for pizza as a friend-- only to jump on the first opportunity to broach the subject? How exactly does one ask another person if they are a pathological liar/sociopath?

It was beyond my social capabilities, far beyond, to handle such things with grace and I knew it. Asking Desi or Henry was an option, Henry being the strongest choice, but then what was I supposed to do in the meantime? Pretend that I knew nothing and lie as well? No, it was better to confirm things for myself and let the cards fall where they may.

If only I could get him alone... somewhere private, but not so private that I could be in danger or look suspicious. Somewhere that allows for distraction if he turns out to be just as I thought, a decent guy, and we need time apart to process things. But not too many distractions, otherwise I know I'll baulk and miss the opportunity. It had to be somewhere he couldn't escape, but must face me, and I him.

It is Tuesday. I could just tell him our next project is to lock us in a random room at the office and make Desi hide the key. Then we could really hash it out... Neither of us would be able to avoid it then. I think to myself as I get ready, brushing my hair distractedly while I sit on my bathroom countertop. My coffee had gone cold to my side, and I'm fairly sure the flat iron I turned on an hour ago had started to burn against the counter. The smell of old hairspray sizzling was enough to make me unplug it. I tie my hair back into a low ponytail instead.

Then it hit me. My feet land on my bathroom floor as I shout to myself, "That's it!"

Sliding down the hall and into the kitchen I rush to my phone. Unplugging it from its charger and pressing his number, I called Robin.

He answers on the second ring, sounding breathless, "Hello?"

I nearly burst out with my idea, but the sound of him panting and the hum of machinery makes me pause, "Are you working out?"

"I am." Robin replies, but it sounds garbled. There's clinking in the background, and what I imagine is a treadmill whirring against his phone's speaker. His breath is thin, but I can hear the smile in his voice when he says, "You checkin' up on me?"

I smile a bit too, "Should I be?"

When he laughs my smile grows into a grin.

"Absolutely." His voice is gravelly, but warm, when floats through the speaker. I pressed the phone closer to my ear to hear him say, "If it weren't for the warden here, I would still be home sleeping. But unfortunately, someone had to spot him, or he'd be lying dead under a ten-pound weight somewhere."

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