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When I heard knocking at my door, I was elbows deep in the toilet and bumping 2000's music louder than a club hosting Ladies Night.

Shooting up, I paused the music blasting out of the speaker, and snatched my phone in the process. It was Tuesday at 9:00 am, and the day of my first official meeting with Robin as research partners. Except he was an hour and a half early, and I was now an hour and a half behind in getting ready.

"One second!" I called out, rushing to the door. My eye lined up with the peephole, confirming it was him, and I internally groaned.

He responded by lifting a tray of coffee and a brown paper bag and saying, "I know I am early, but they got my order time wrong. I didn't want it to get cold. I hope you like lemon poppy seed. That's all they had."

I, in fact, would die for lemon anything.

"Um," I scrunch my face, looking down at my pajamas.

It wasn't so bad... I mean I had walked into Walmart once looking like this, but that was a land of acceptance and apathy. This was a business meeting. Then again... It was my apartment, and he was early. If we are going to be partners, it would be best to really break him in early. Plus, I couldn't just make him wait in the hallway while I got ready. Accepting this line of thinking, I unlatch the door before swinging it open enough for him to step in but not see what I'm wearing.

"No worries, it's just that I am not really ready yet." I close the door behind him as he steps in and looks around. Doing my best to stand behind him, and hoping my furniture is far more interesting than I am, I say, "Do you mind waiting in the study for a while I shower?"

At this he turns around and takes in what I look like. His eyebrows raise slightly, and I see a smile creeping up on his lips. However, he nods soberly, before stretching out the bag and a coffee to me. "In case you're hungry."

I smile gratefully, but it feels sheepish as I back away.

"Uh, the study is just right in there." I gestured awkwardly to the door across the hallway, trying to hide myself behind the things in my hand (as if that was even humanly possible.)

"If you're curious, I listed the cliches I want to research on the whiteboard next to the door. But I think it would be important to talk about how they connect with the story I'm drawing up first, since this is all to help reveal the plot and develop characters."

"Sounds good." Again, Robin fights a smile as his eyes pass over me practically crawling away from him. He nods once more, taking a sip of his own coffee, "I'll take a look around too. If that's okay?"

I barely give him enough time to see me nod my head in permission before I rush to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I rest the food on the counter next to my speaker and take a deep breath. Begrudgingly, I confront the mirror. My dream was to find my reflection spontaneously changed into the paragon of professionalism thanks to the magic of the writing gods...It was a bit of a letdown to find the real thing. The only comparison to the reflection in the mirror is that orange Muppet named Animal.... I mean truly. Cringing at the grime in the corner of my eyes, and the mascara I failed to wash off completely from last night, I pushed my greasy hair back away from my face. "What the-- Why? Why?"

I mean, I knew I wasn't camera ready, but did it have to be that bad? Then again, I rolled out of bed and instantly started cleaning. I was supposed to have more time! My mind chimes in helpfully, listing out the real expectations I had for today. I was supposed to be showered and stylish. To look and behave like a professional and not look like I had spent the last hour doing cocaine and Albert Einstein cosplay in my bathroom.

Research: RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now