Part 29

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"Yeah..we need to talk Tony.."

"Mhm.." Tony was a little nervous, he took a few more steps back, and quickly made his way into the kitchen.. he needed a drink.. another drink.. she watched as he walked away, she placed her bag down, and took her jacket off, placing it down on top of her bag before following him into the kitchen.

She stood in the doorway, watching as he poured himself a drink, and downed it in one.. she knew something was on his mind.. she was a little scared to find out what. Had she pushed him too far? Had she pushed him away for good?

"So..what do you want to talk about?" He asked, giving her the chance to make this easier for him.

"Tony.." she whispered, making him turn to face her.. he looked scared, nervous.. so she took a step towards him, reaching her hand out to him.. "Firstly.. I'm sorry.. for everything.."

"What? What have you got to be sorry about?"

"Everything.. these last few days.. weeks even, I know I've been distant, I couldn't help it.. it was all getting too much for me and I know I didn't tell you.. but I got another message.. that day at the press was getting to me.. a little too much if I'm honest.."

"Another message? Why didn't you tell me?!" Tony was confused.. he wasn't sure what to expect from this talk.. but he was certain he didn't expect this..


"I swear.. I'll kill her myself.." his breathing became heavier, as he thought about all the hate she had received, and that it wasn't stopping.

"No.. just.. wait a second.."  she took his hand, giving it a little squeeze.. "I didn't tell you about that last message because I wanted it all to go away.. but I didn't know how much it would hurt me.. or.. how much it would distance us.. I never wanted that to happen at all.."

"You didn't?"

"No.. not at all..I love you Tony.. I really do.." Tony couldn't help but smile, he needed to hear that.

"And I love you.." he glanced between her eyes and her lips, desperately needing to taste her again, it had been too long for his liking.. but he waited.. not wanting to rush her.. or ruin the moment..

"I don't really know where to start.." she sighed, looking away for a moment.. she really needed to tell him the truth..which only made Tony start panicking.. he wasn't ready to break up with her, he didn't want to end it.

"Don't.." he whispered.. "Don't tell me that you want to end.."

"It wasn't Pepper's assistant who sent the messages.." she cut him off before he could finish what he was saying.


"That's where I was earlier, I met up with her in the park.."

"Wait.. just hold on a second.. you did what?!" Tony let go of her, and moved away in shock.. "Are you serious?"

"Look.. I know it's bad, trust me, I had doubts myself, but she wanted to explain, and I felt I was owed an explanation!"

"She's a bloody nutcase! Why would you put yourself in harm way like that?!"

"Because.. Tony I needed to know the truth.. I needed an explanation as to why she hated me so much.. she was driving me insane, I'm sorry, but I really needed to know.." she said with tears filling her eyes, Tony didn't miss it, he could see how much she was still so effected by it..

"Hey.. it's ok.." he took her in his arms again, and held her close.. "You've been going through it all on your own again haven't you?.." he said and she nodded in agreement.. "What happened? You can tell me.."

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now