Part 15

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"Mr Stark! Do you have anything to add to Miss Potts earlier statement?" The reporters voice shouts across to Tony.

"No? Why would I? Pepper handles everything.." Tony asks the reporter who is now trying to stop him from getting in the car. Trying his best to get any news worthy story from Tony but it just wasn't working.

"Get in the car.." Pepper shouts over to Tony as she gets in on the other side. Pepper really didn't want Tony talking to the press, possibly ruining what she told them just moments before.

"I am!" He shouts back. Eventually joining her in the car.

"Take us to Tony's please Happy.." Pepper requests. Tony turns his head quickly towards her, with a questionable look.

"Aren't you going home?" Tony asks her, curious as to why she would go to his home, after a busy day of meetings and he didn't need her to escort any girl out this time.

"I have some paperwork to go over with you.. and I couldn't leave you alone right now? Could I?"

"Why couldn't you?"

"We all need some company Mr Stark.."

"That's where you're wrong Miss Potts.." Tony shifted in his seat, looking out the window at the streets passing by. It wasn't that he didn't want company, but Pepper wasn't the company he needed.

When they arrived at Tony's home, Tony went straight down to his work shop. Leaving Pepper upstairs working on some stuff he just wasn't interested in.

He anxiously looked at his phone, waiting for any sort of message from her. The feeling was new to him, but he missed her.

And he had no idea exactly what Pepper had done.

She was sat alone in her apartment, listening to Pepper's words and more recently the video of Tony leaving Stark industries and not commenting on their relationship, if that's what she can even call it.

She was questioning her whole decision on this, whether she wanted to see Tony again, or if she just wanted to forget it all ever happened and move on. Doubting herself as to whether this whole thing was a set up and Tony was just using her.

She looked at her phone, hovering over Tony's number, hesitant to call him. What if he didn't pick up?

"This is what you get for falling in love with a playboy.." she said out loud to herself.

Maybe a few days away from him could be a good thing? After all, they had given her two weeks off.. But everywhere she went, she was caught up in this whirlwind. Photos being took of her out shopping or meeting up with her friend.

One headline that caught her eye was quite amusing to her..

No pleasure with a Stark.

"Who even comes up with these?" She chuckled to herself as she threw her phone down on her bed one night.

"I can be sure of one thing, pleasure is always with a Stark" She smirked to herself, her mind briefly going back to the time they spent together. How he made her feel.. she was starting to miss him more than she ever imagined.

She looked down at her phone that was now lay on the bed, as she briefly thought about giving him a call.. But he hasn't bothered to call or text her? Should she be the one to call him? Or will she look desperate?

She shook her head and cleared her thoughts, going back into her living area, there was a sudden knock on the door.

When she opened it slightly, she was more than shocked to see it was Happy stood in front of her, a beaming smile on his face.

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