Light the Lamp

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The team is only able to return home for one day before they need to be shipped off to San Francisco to play their next two games. Tye, however, is pleasantly surprised by the day of relaxation that Moss sets up for the two of them during his brief homecoming after defeating Houston.

He stumbles into the house hungover around noon. Despite his persisting headache that he's had since he woke up in Houston earlier that morning, Tye is more than ready to spend the day with Moss.

A delicious aroma hits his nose as soon as he enters the kitchen.

Before he can ask what's being made, he's greeted with an armful of his energetic boyfriend who drags him down for a long kiss which has him lightheaded in a way that nearly makes him forget the pounding in his head. Pulling away to breathe, Tye then rests his head on his lovers who is beaming up at him.

"You look like shit," the smaller man breathes out a laugh when he manages to actually get a look at the hockey player.

Tye chuckles softly at his bluntness, "You really know how to sweet talk me, MoMo."

Getting one last peck in on his lips, Moss then turns his attention back to the stove where he continues to tend to whatever concoction he has going that smells so delectable. Not ready to be separated just yet, Tye hugs him from behind and looks over his shoulder to see what he's cooking in the pan.

"Addie sent me a recipe for veggie enchiladas that she swears by," Moss explains. "I wanted to give it a try since you're back home today and I knew you'd be hungry after your flight."

"The way to my heart is through my stomach. Thanks, sweets," Tye nuzzles his neck gently and peppering it with kisses.

The enchiladas are done a few minutes later, so the couple eats their meal at the counter and recaps some of their favorite moments from yesterday.

"-so Enny handed the bouncer his fake and the guy asked him what he was doing in Houston. Enny, that fucking idiot, said that he wanted to go to a rodeo. The bouncer asked him which rodeo he was going to, but he couldn't think up a lie to save his life. I had to step in and say that we have friends in Houston who were hosting us and we didn't know what rodeo they planned on taking us to or if it was nearby at all. Eventually, he gave Enny his fake back and as he was letting us pass through, he smacked Enny on the back and told him that he needs to stop taking penalties in the third period."

Moss has to hold his stomach from how hard he's laughing at the series of unfortunate events Tye has been describing that happened to Enny last night. The poor guy seems like a walking target for the world to pick on- he just makes it too easy.

When they get their dishes and the kitchen cleaned up, Tye asks if he wants to go lay down on the couch. "Actually, I was thinking we could relax in one of your hot tubs. While you were gone, I realized how weird it is that you have so many but we never use them."

That's how they end up in the jacuzzi on the deck connected to Tye's bedroom. Moss straddles his lap as they make out lazily while surrounded by warm bubbles. The outdoor TV is on and has some movie playing faintly in the background.

Tye hikes him closer, but spasms and lets out a hiss with the movement causing Moss to pull away.

"Are you okay?" He asks, rubbing the defenseman's shoulders soothingly.

Leaning into the comforting gesture, Tye mumbles, "Yeah- my back has just been kind of tense recently."

"Have you seen a doctor or the teams physical therapist about it?"

"I did," Tye confirms. "They said that it's nothing to worry about, but I need to see them before practices and games so they can work out the kinks in my back."

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