Johnny on the Spot

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Moss shuffles into the locker room behind his parents like a child timidly following their lead.

The temperature in the room feels as if it's eighty degrees in the confined space and smells like a suffocating mixture of sweat and cologne. The players themselves look to be between the intimidating range of 5' 10" to 6' 7" tall. They tower over their friends and family members who have rushed in and are mooning over tonight's performance.

Shane and Eli are difficult to spot due to the sheer number of players, reporters and personnel surrounding them. Eventually, the boys are released from their clutches and are now able to stand with their family.

They exchange a combination of bro-hugs and mom-hugs before unpacking the game that just went down.

"Eli, honey- congratulations on such an amazing first game! We are so proud of you!" His mom gushes to the youngest Kettler brother.

"That was a damn good pass to your brother for the first goal. Way to set each other up. Keep it up in the next game," his father chimes in.

"Shane- that was such a beautiful goal. It was magical seeing the crowds reaction to the first goal of the season. This was truly a memorable game!" His mother nearly cuts off his dad with her rambling praises to the middle child.

"Great game, boys. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time," Moss compliments which earns him a pat on the back from Eli before they all tune back in to whatever play their mom is ranting about.

Moss does a quick once-over of the locker room, observing his surroundings and taking in the moment.

When he turns to listen back in on his family's conversation, he finds himself awkwardly facing his dad and Eli's backs. He moves a little closer in hopes of being let back into the circle, but they are all too enraptured by the current discussion to notice his shuffling on the outskirts.

Feeling oddly flustered by this, Moss begins to look around again. For what? He's not sure.

Eventually, someone must take pity on how out of place he probably looks because he feels a tap on his right shoulder. He turns around and finds himself having to look up at the person requesting his attention. Moss is now face-to-face with none other than the owner of tonights game-winning goal.

He sticks his hand out automatically for a friendly handshake, hesitates, wipes his hand on his jeans in case they are sweaty and holds it back out to shake.

"Hi- I'm Shane and Eli's brother, Moss. Nice goal!"

Martel's cheeks are rosy just like they were in the puppy calendar photoshoot video. His caramel hair looks like he just got a shower and shook it out instead of running a brush through it. As he makes these observations about the hockey player, Martel grabs Moss' hand and gives it a firm shake before crossing his arms over his broad chest in a relaxed manner.

"Nice to meet you, Moss. I didn't know there was another Kettler brother.... You should've been on the ice with us tonight. Could've had a hat trick of Kettler's," Martel jokes breezily.

"Believe me, you don't want me out there. I'm much more comfortable perusing the dessert table in the suite than I am skating," Moss laughs along.

Martel gives off a very relaxed aura which is putting him at ease.

"I find that hard to believe. So tell me, what does a Kettler do for a living if they aren't playing hockey?" He questions with a twinkle in his eye. There is a slight smile on his face, not showing all of his teeth, but enough to make him look friendly and approachable.

Being asked about his personal life brings butterflies to Moss' stomach since it doesn't happen too often. He also finds himself feeling embarrassed about having to explain his boring job to a professional athlete that just won a game for a city that clearly adores him.

"Nothing interesting," he responds, "I'm an accountant at a firm in Detroit."

"I'd say that's definitely more interesting than anything I've heard from most of the guys in this locker room," Martel says in a surprisingly serious, but still bordering on joking tone.

"We all practically have the same stories about playing hockey our entire lives- just in different places for different amounts of time. I'm sure you have better stories about college and can hold a decent conversation unlike a majority of these pigeons," he gestures with his thumb to his teammates behind him.

Caught off guard by this compliment, Moss stares a moment too long at Martel with wide eyes.

He is about to respond when his dad enters the conversation, slapping the defenseman on the back and congratulating him on the overtime goal. As Martel converses with his father, Moss tries to get his staring under control. It's probably weird to not say anything while gawking at an athlete in his own locker room after said athlete made an effort to make him feel welcome in the chaotic atmosphere.

The others also join in on the conversation for a bit, but soon decide that it's time for them to head out. Moss asks if he can come see his brothers' new apartment. They only have one guest bedroom which is currently occupied by their parents, hence the reason Moss had to get a hotel room.

"We're pretty drained after that game, Mo. How about you stop by the place the next time you're in Colorado?" Eli offers.

Moss nods in understanding, "Yeah- no problem. I'll definitely swing by next time." He agrees to the suggested plan, not wanting the boys to overexert themselves after a hard fought game.

He Ubers back to the hotel, showers and lays in bed while scrolling on his phone.

It's almost midnight when he sees that Eli posted six pictures on Instagram.


first NHL game of the season in the books- let's keep it going!! **arm flex emoji** **fire emoji**

**image of Eli on the ice for rookie skate**

**image of Eli and Shane during warmups**

**image of Eli and Shane receiving fist bumps from the bench after Shane's goal**

**image of Eli, Shane and their parents in the locker room- Moss is in the background with his back turned to the camera talking to Martel**

**image of Eli, Shane and their parents from the breakfast diner earlier that day**

**image of Eli, Shane and their parents in the same clothes from after the game playing a board game at their apartment**

Moss sets his alarm for the next morning, turns off the lights and goes to bed with knots in his stomach.

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