estrellas~chapter 18

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Jeremiah glared at me, and I felt my stomach drop.

"Jere, did you not hear what I just said? We're going to lose the house, Mom's house."

"This is why you haven't answered any of my phone calls and texts? You've been too busy fucking each other haven't you!" he screamed.

I screamed at him, "Jeremiah! Stop acting like such a baby! Conrad needed my help okay? I asked him to call you but he didn't want to stress you out."

"Laur's right," Belly interrupted, "They wouldn't stoop that low, they are strictly platonic, okay Jere?"

I saw Jere look down and nod his head. He knew it was the truth, he just wanted to find a reason to hate me.

"Why would your dad sell this house?" Belly asked, releasing the tension.

"She's not," I answered.

"Our Aunt Julia is," Conrad finished.

"Mom's half-sister?" Jere asked.

"The house belonged to both of them. And then when Mom..." He choked, "Now Aunt Julia owns the whole thing, so..."

"Why don't we call Dad?"

"You think I haven't already done that? He says legally the house is hers."

"Okay, then he'll buy it." Jeremiah quickly answers.

"Between Brown and the medical bills and the..."

"Yeah, I know how much the medical bills cost because I was there!" Jeremiah scolded.

This conversation started to sound more and more between them so I gave Belly a look and we both walked out of the room to the front porch.

"Why did you lie about being with Conrad?" Belly asked, she looked hurt.

"He asked me to, he wanted to fix the problem before it got worse."

She remained quiet, "I'm sorry," I said, "I should've told you."

"Well, it's too late, I already forgave you. Better news, we stopped and got muffins!" She said,

"Really! Oh my god, thank you."


The rest of the day everyone does their own thing. I go out surfing with Con for a little, I heat some leftover Spaghetti for everyone, it's nice having a simple day in Cousins, almost like the old days.

We all sit at the table eating in silence.

I look down at my hands and think about my rings, I still wear both of them every day. I, however, stopped wearing the golden locket necklace that Jere gave me. I look at Jere's hands and see he still has his ring on. I practically choke on my food. Causing everyone to look up at me.

"You good Laur?" Belly asks.

"Uh, yup, I need to use the restroom." I run out of there as soon as possible and go to the bathroom. I just sit on the tile and cry. I missed him so much, he was only down the hall but he had never felt further away.


I heard a knock at my front door.

"Lauren!" Steven yelled, "Can you get that."

"Ugh, fine!" I yelled back.

I ran down our stairs and opened the door.

There he was, my Jeremiah.

I launched myself into his arms and gave him the biggest kiss.

"What are you doing here?" I practically screamed.

"I missed you." He says calmingly.

"You missed me?" I smirked.

"Yes," he buries his face in my neck, "I asked Laurel and she said I could spend the night."

"Oh really?" I laughed.



I never went out of my room that night. I heard them watching a movie but I couldn't feel bothered. Not when Jere was there, I couldn't handle his grimaces and glances. All I wanted was to kiss him again, even though I knew that wasn't going to happen.

The next morning I ran downstairs.

"Yeah, she got in yesterday."

"Who got in yesterday?" I asked.

Jeremiah had an annoyed look on his face.

Belly clears her throat, "Their Aunt Julia did."

"You saw her?" I followed up by asking.

"No," Conrad started, "We talked on the phone for like five seconds. She couldn't be bothered to come to Mom's funeral, but she'll hop on the first flight to come sell this place."

"I don't get it. Why? What's the big rush?" I say out loud.

"This isn't a game, okay? This is serious shit," Jeremiah says to me.

It was clear I was hurt, so Belly chimes in.

"Hey Jere, let's go on a muffin run, okay?" She says with a smile. He reluctantly agrees.

Once they leave the room I have to clasp my hand over my mouth to cover my sobs. The pain coming from my mouth sounded like a yelping dog.


During our weekend sleepover, all Jere and I did was watch movies, cuddle, and talk. And maybe some other things ;)

"Mom's doing better," he says while spooning me.

I shift to face him and embrace his face, "That's good," I give him an empathetic smile.

"Did you know my Dad cheated on my Mom?"

I freeze, how could Adam do such a thing?

"Yeah, during her first round of chemo a few years ago."

"That's so low," I say.

"I don't know how someone could ever cheat, especially on someone they love," He kisses my forehead.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too."


I wish I knew then that those stupid promises of destiny and love were all fake. Maybe I wouldn't have wasted my time on someone who would practically just throw it all away.

I had my feet in the pool when Belly plopped next to me.

"Boo," she said.


"So... how's Conrad?" She asked me, trying to be sly.

"He misses you," I look at my sister, "A lot."

"Oh..." she says.

"It's okay to miss him Belly," I say, "I know he messed you up but it's okay to grieve the loss of your relationship Bells."

"I just," she starts, "If I could do something different or change how I acted I would," she says slowly.

"I would too," I say and look out at the Bay.

"We met with Aunt Julia," Belly says.

"You were able to talk to her?" I ask Belly.

She makes a funny face, "Kinda? We tried but she wanted to get out of the conversation and just left us standing there awkwardly."

The last time I truly felt awkward was Prom Night, not because of me, but because of Conrad. He is one of my closest friends but I was not proud of what he did that night, let alone what he did to my sister. 

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