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3 am. 

Raven gets up in serious pain.  She gets to moaning holding her stomach. She gets up seeing water rush down her leg.  Raven starts freaking out grabbing both her phones. She starts blowing Naomi up.  And calling the ambulance with the other phone. 

"Hello," Naomi answered sounding like she just woke up.

"I'm in labor," Raven said on the ground moaning. 

Naomi pops up tapping Kam.  "She's in labor.  We got to rush to her. I'm on my way. I'm just 5 minutes away baby" Naomi said tripping over her shoes and trying to get her other shoes "Fuck" Naomi said

"NAOMI! " Raven yells through the phone

"leaving out now," Naomi said as Kam was already in the car. Naomi and Kam pulled up within minutes seeing the ambulance already there putting her in the back.  Naomi gets out seeing Raven calling for her. 

Kam drove off still calling Marco but no answer so he stops by pulling up 40 minutes later getting out banging on his door.  Marco pops up grabs his gun and comes to the door. He looks through the peephole and sees Kam

"What nigga? "

"Raven in labor nigga come on," he said

Marco throws his shoes on and gets in the car with Kam.  They pulled out an hour later rushing in.  Marco rushed back seeing Everybody there. "where is she? " Marco asked

"Rushed her to have an emergency c-section.  Her cervix was opening all the way"

"What? " he said about to freak out "She coo right? " he asked

"She passed out.  That's all we know.  "

Marco rushes to the back trying to find out where she at "Sir you can't be back here" a make nurse said

"My girl.  She had an emergency c-section.  What room? " he asked before he got mad.

The nurse sees he's about to become mad.  , "Come with me," he said showing him the way.  They walked a long way down the hospital before making a left and entering a room he saw Raven there sleeping with a tub in her mouth

"She alright. Right? " Marco asked

"You want to go in," the nurse asked showing him the way.  They walked in.  The nurse handed him a gown to put on him and a face mask and hair net. 

Marco walks over watching them get the baby out in a bag full of water. He watched as they cut it open hearing the baby cry.  Marco was surprised and happy but he showed no emotion.  He looks at Raven sound asleep. 

4 hours later. 

Raven wakes up looking around.  She was in Instant pain. Marco walks to the bed with King. He leans down kissing her on the forehead handing the baby over. Raven grabs him shedding a tear. A head full of hair very handsome. "Omg," Raven said rubbing his little fingers and kissing his forehead. She lays her head on his little head crying. "My baby," she said kissing him again.

"Give her a minute," Marco said seeing them walk out.  He walks over sitting down next to Raven rubbing her hair. "Said you couldn't have him naturally. So they did an emergency c section" he said

"I don't care just as long as he's here," she said kissing him.

"Thank you for having him.  He's handsome" Marco said smiling still rubbing her hair. "How you feeling? "

Raven stops crying just smiling. "I have a little pain.  But I'm coo" she said rubbing King's hand.


"Starving," Raven said laughing

"What do you want? "


"I'll go get you something " he said getting up leaning over kissing his son. Raven grabs his face kissing him. "Be back," he said leaving out. 

Raven Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora