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Raven walks into the diner seeing the job she applied for. She was ready to work to get her own money since she had only been here for a week. Eve walks up. 

"You must be Raven? "

"Yes that's me"

"Okay come with me.  Since you already know your way around the kitchen.  I figure you don't need to be interviewed. "

"I don't.  And I'm thankful for the job.  I hoping to start today" Raven said

"I'm glad you said that,  'cause we are under staff," Eve said laughing "You from here? "

"No, I'm from Indiana"

"Oh okay.  New to town. Ain't much really to do here but party and bar hop" Eve said smiling. 

"A drink would sound nice right now"

"Me and my girl Danny going to the bar tonight.  Want to come?

"Yeah ill come"

Danny walks up. 

"Tired of these old ass people and they attitude," Danny said

"Another one? " Eve said

"Yes.  Like what the fuck"

"This Raven.  She knew in the city"

"I'm Danny.  And good luck working here" Danny said laughing.

"What do you mean by that? " Raven asked

"Girl mother fucks be tripping in this place.  Got put some of them in check or they would talk to you bad" Eve said "So what made you move here? " Eve asked as they walked to the back to give Raven an Aprin and clocked in. 

"I've moved here with my cousin Steve"

"Steve.  Steve" She said trying to see if she knew him "Is he light skin with tattoos? "

"Yep that would be my cousin"

"Wait so you staying with Him and Marco? "

"Yeah.  How do you know them? "

"Girl they get the money.  Who doesn't know them"

"Money? " Raven asked

Eve comes to her ear "They sell drugs and all types of shit"

"What?  My cousin no way"

"Yes way," Eve said laughing

"Well I know Marco is nonchalant with me.  It's like he doesn't even want me there the way he came off"

"Girl he's like to everybody.  He doesn't like new people.  But be careful with that man.  He might act like that too cause you're pretty.  "

"It didn't give that," Raven said

4 hours later. 

"Aye, you ready to clock out and go out for drinks? " Eve said coming to Raven

"Yeah.  Let me finish cleaning my last table and I'm ready"

"Oh, and good job today girl.  Didn't know you had it in you.  Had people fallen for you and that smile" Eve said smiling and walking away. 

Marco comes in looking at Raven.  He walked passed her not saying anything to her

"Who is that? Beautiful as fuck " Quan asked checking her out

"That Steve cousin.  Staying with us for a while" Marco said

"Word.  Don't tell me you hit already. " Quan asked

"Hell nah.  I don't want that bitch" Marco said looking at Raven

"Shit, you acting like the she ugly " Quan said sitting down. 

"She ain't.  I just don't trust no bitch at my spot" Marco said

Raven Where stories live. Discover now