chapter 22

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"Hyung, I am feeling nauseous," Jungkook said to Jimin, who was sitting with Juni in his lap, and Jungkook was sitting in front of him on the bed.

"Kookie, calm down. I know you are nervous. Just breathe in, hmm," Jimin said to Jungkook while holding both of his hands.

"Hyung, I feel like my heart will leap out any moment," Jungkook said with a worried face.

"Kookie, you are behaving as if you are marrying someone unknown," Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Baby brother, you are marrying  your Mr. Kim, the father of your son. Why are you nervous? Instead, you should be happy. Tomorrow, Juni will be your child legally, and you will get such a gentleman as your husband," Jimin said while patting the head of his brother, who nodded in response but was still very nervous.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and his phone lit up with the name "Juni's Dada."

His eyes widened looking at it; he was not expecting his to-be-husband's call at this hour; it was around 11:30 pm already.

The phone kept ringing.

"Kook, either pick it up or decline," Jimin said, frowning as he did not like the blasting sound of Jungkook's phone.

Jungkook hurriedly silenced it; he can't let his brother know that Taehyung is calling him; otherwise, he will tease him to death.

He hurriedly stood up, took Juni from Jimin's lap, sat him on the bed, took Jimin's hand, and started dragging him towards the door.

"Kookie, what got into you? Why are you shooing me away?" Jimin asked in bewilderment.

"Hyung, look, I am fine, ha ha ha, I am good. Now go to your room, hmm," Jungkook said and shut the door on Jimin's face.

He ran to his bed to take his phone, but to his dismay, it stopped ringing minutes ago. Jungkook kept looking at the screen sadly with a very sad pout; he was disappointed. He cursed at Jimin.

'Should I call him back?' Jungkook thought while keeping his thumb on the 'Back' icon just a few centimeters away.

He was contemplating when the phone again started ringing with the same name, setting his heart on fire.

He smiled at the screen and hurriedly picked it up.

"Hi Koo," a deep velvety voice spoke from the other side.

"H...Hi," Jungkook answered while biting his lips to stop himself from smiling like a fool.

"How are you, Koo? Had your dinner?" Taehyung asked in his sweetest voice.

"Hmm," Jungkook answered, not able to find words. It's the first time they are talking with each other about something not related to Juni or anybody else; they are talking to each other for each other, so he needs time to adjust.

"You had your dinner," Jungkook asked in return.

"Actually, I had some snacks in the evening, so I skipped dinner for tonight," Taehyung answered, smiling.

Jungkook gasped.

"Oh God, Hyungie, how can you be so irresponsible? It's disastrous for health not to have dinner," Jungkook said while frowning. Well, timid bunny left the chat.

Taehyung's eyebrows shot up in astonishment; how can a person have such mood swings? One minute, the younger was the shyest baby bunny, and now he is turned into a double bunny. But this feeling, he loves this feeling; there is someone who genuinely cares for him, for his meals; there is someone to whom his existence matters. This feeling, he is living.

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