chapter 10

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"Quickly input the PIN code for the door, Mr. Kim,  Juni is hungry," Jungkook ordered the elder who stood beside him.

Taehyung was quite astonished by the behavior of the younger. He couldn't believe he was the same shy, timid bunny who couldn't hold eye contact with him. He entered the code and opened the door for the two babies.

"So, Juni, you and Dada go and freshen up first. Change into something comfortable. I'll start preparing your choco donut, okay?" Jungkook said to Juni while passing him to Taehyung, who promptly lifted his son.

Taehyung looked at him in astonishment; now the sassy queen was bossing around the Kim mansion.

The Dada-son duo nodded like good boys.

"Dada, let's go, don't make Mumma mad," Juni whispered in his father's ear. Taehyung looked at his son, and both nodded at each other, not wanting to enrage the beautiful queen.

Jungkook looked at them with squinted eyes, suspicion visible, thinking about what the duo must be whispering. Taehyung observed it. He cleared his throat and turned on his heels. Soon, the duo disappeared into the owner's room.

Jungkook went to the guest room's washroom and quickly freshened up, not wanting the little angel to wait any longer for his donuts.

He hurriedly entered the kitchen and asked the maids for the materials he needed to prepare the donuts. The maids excitedly took all the materials and placed them on the kitchen counter. They were so happy; for the first time, this house was looking like a home. They left after placing the ingredients on the counter .

Soon, the dad-son duo reached the kitchen. Juni wiggled in the grip of his father in excitement, clapping his little chubby hands.

"Yeahhhhh, Juni cook with Mumma!"

"Dada cook with Mumma!"

He shouted in pure excitement and bliss. Jungkook couldn't help but giggle himself, looking at his giggling baby.

He took the baby from the elder's arms, like the most normal thing in the world, and placed him on the kitchen counter, peppering his chubby face with kisses.

"Oh my god, why is my Juni so cute?"

"I wanna nom nom my baby," Jungkook said, kissing the life out of the baby, who was laughing loudly, loving every bit of it.

"Juni is so shmall  and bittel too, Mumma. Let's nom nom choco donut," Juni said, laughing.

Jungkook giggled, "No, my Juni is sweeter than any choco. I will only nom nom my baby," Jungkook said, pressing long kisses on the younger's face, hands, fingers. Then he took the younger's hands, cupped his face with his little hands, and kissed his little palms. Don't ask him why he did that; he just loves that.

Taehyung, standing there being ignored, felt an existence crisis.

"I'm sure I'm not wearing Harry Potter's invisible cloak," he said to himself.

"Mr. Kim, can you pass my baby's little apron to me?" he heard Jungkook saying. He felt happy that at least someone actually appreciated his presence, or at least acknowledged him.

Taehyung opened the drawer and passed the little apron and little chef's cap to the younger, who took it gladly and donned the baby with it. The baby looked so cute that the uwu machine of all the people broke.

"Oh my god, baby," Jungkook took the baby in his arms and cradled him. The baby giggled, loving the affection.

"Dada, am I looking cute?" Juni asked his dad.

Taehyung felt like he was on cloud nine. After all this ignoring, he was recognized by his baby.

"Yes, my baby is the cutest, most beautiful, most handsome baby in this whole universe," Taehyung said with a smile and approached the younger who was holding the baby. The younger's heartbeat picked up the pace, feeling the elder a few inches away from him. Taehyung bent down a little to Juni's level and kissed his baby to his heart's content.

For Juni, it was paradise: his Mumma and Dada loving him, kissing him, showering affection. What else does he need? He promised God that he would drink smelly milk every day if he has his Mumma. Now his wish is completed, and he is glad that God listened to him.

Juni put one arm on Jungkook's neck and the other on Taehyung's, looking like a complete family.

The butler of the house was so happy watching them; he immediately went to his room to take out the camera that his boss gave him once when he got to know he had an interest in photography.

He stood there in front of the open kitchen and started taking photos of the beautiful family.

"Juni baby, look here," the butler said, to which Juni looked happily, arms still around his parents, and the trio smiled for the camera.

Jungkook put his hand on the baby's tummy, unknowingly a hand was already present there, so he unintentionally put his hand on Taehyung's hand. Both of them froze. Jungkook's face instantly turned pink, and the top of the elder's ears was already red, both hearts racing.

Within split seconds of realization, Jungkook took off his hand. Taehyung already missed the warmth.

But their smiles were back because of rambling of the baby in their hold

Jungkook sat his baby on the counter.

"Mr. Kim, you look over Juni while I cook. I don't want him to fall," Jungkook ordered the elder sassily.

Taehyung looked at the younger with an eyebrow raise; was he looking handsome? He was looking like the hottest man alive.

Jungkook gulped at the expression because of the gay panic.

"What's the magic word?" Taehyung asked in his deep voice.

"C..can you please?" Jungkook managed to say with difficulty. Taehyung was too hot for this.

Taehyung nodded his head and chuckled a bit.

Did the cold man chuckle? Well, he was amazed by himself too.

Taehyung was happy now; he successfully made his presence known to the younger. Now he is hopeful not to be ignored by the younger sassy queen self.


"MR. KIM TAEHYUNG, YOU CAN'T DO A FU... I MEAN, A PUKING THING PROPERLY!" the mansion was filled with Jungkook's shouting.



What happened???, and where is Taehyung????

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