18 │Storm

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Left alone in the cabin, Freya looked around her surroundings. Leander's cabin was not much different from Freya's, with the slight difference that the vampire had significantly less luggage. Which was understandable. First, he was a vampire, second, he was a man.

Freya shuddered at the thought of how much of her luggage was taken up by the dresses and jewelry she had to take with her. Not that she had anything against wearing dresses. They rarely bothered her much as long as she was walking around the palace. But while traveling, practicality was more important. Therefore, she wore tight-fitting britches and linen shirts, which she fastened with a corset belt that tightened her waist. The more common way of clothing was a full corset that included breast shaping, but she liked her chest free and to breathe easily. One of the many reasons she preferred being out of palace's grounds—the aristocracy couldn't complain on her 'undignified' manners.

However, Carda was long behind her. She was heading into an unknown land without the knowledge of all the rules. Yes, Leander had given her already some pieces of advice and explained to her, that the vampire court was less strict and formal than the human one, but a lot of things were still left unsaid and the month in travel didn't give her enough time to prepare for everything. Hence the dresses, waiting for the formal first meetings with her new court.

The thought reminded her of King Cassius himself. Her future husband. From the scant information she had gleaned from her vampire companions, she was only sure that he was a person she would have to be very careful with. She didn't fully understand his motives for this marriage and why he cared so much about a woman from her family, but she secretly hoped that the king would give her some explanation as soon as they could talk to each other. Not that his explanation would do anything to alleviate her aversion to the very idea of them marrying... On the contrary. She was going to try with all her might to dissuade him from this idea. But she had to be smart about this approach. That was sure.

The second thing... Her attraction toward his brother. Just thinking about the vampire commander made her heart rate quicken and shivers appeared on her skin. These emotions and reactions of her body to his proximity—it was not normal. She began to truly fear her actions in his presence. And she was sure that whatever was happening between them, her future husband would not be delighted about it. They were risking a lot.

Gods. If only she could focus on their friendship. That would be wildly helpful not to shiver at his mere glance, not to redden at the slightest of compliments he said. To focus on their understanding and easiness with each other. That was blooming pretty quickly, and she felt she could already count on him. The perspective of her befriending a vampire so fast was surprising, but she was glad for this opportunity.

The problem was that her body seemed to have a mind of its own and wanted this relationship to sail even further...

For gods' sake, she had never bedded a man before, but her thoughts got to wander somewhere she didn't even know was possible. It was as if her brain was in a race to create the most colorful scenes and didn't mind the technicalities. And the scene that took place a few minutes ago was proof enough that for her body, it was no problem being deflowered leaning on the door, with nobody else than her future husband's brother.

Gods. Once the thought clarified in her mind, she rasped. She was pathetic. All of her people's future was at stake, but she was dreaming about that. She had to work on her responses and cut these sexual feelings until it was not too late.

Easier said than done, though.

The sound of the door opening broke her from thoughts. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Leander.

Leather and pine.

His scent was so distinct that she could feel it all over her. Weird. She had never experienced such sensitivity to smells in her life, but with this vampire, all that was normal earlier seemed being disturbed as he was around.

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