7 │The Ruby Dagger

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The tavern was called The Ruby Dagger and it did not inspire confidence. Located on the main roadside, it attracted a diverse, often shady clientele. The lower part of the building was intended to accommodate as many hungry and thirsty guests as possible—with an emphasis on the thirsty. The staff seemed oblivious to the loud quarrels and petty fights. One could surely say they were pretty used to it.

The entrance door was not inviting. Not only did the area around them smell of piss, but the remnants of the night's rioters were strenuously barricading the passage. The men sitting on the hard-packed ground showed no embarrassment, brazenly observing every passer-by, including Freya and her company.

In the end, they managed to get through this daunting anti-advertisement, although Freya had to fight her reflexes along the way. One man, obviously tempted by her curves visible by her rather tight clothing, grabbed her ankle—fortunately being protected by her leather boots. It did not end well for him, because Freya had been already on high alert and the confrontation ended with a sad souvenir for this drunkard. Leander witnessed this event and his posture showed that he wanted to rush to Freya's aid, but the woman turned out to be quick enough. The vampire just smirked, but didn't comment.

Being inside already, Qadir nodded toward the Prince, who seemed to understand him without words, and guided Freya to the furthest empty table, while their companion was talking to one woman at the bar. The table of the Prince's choice was in the corner, partially hidden by the high screens. On the counter stood a rusty candlestick with half-burned candles, which was the only source of light in that corner.

"I apologize for the conditions, but given our travel schedule, we'll have to make do with what comes along the way," the Prince's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. It was only then that Freya noticed they were standing so close to each other. The Prince didn't have to strain too hard for her to hear him over the ruckus. His voice was almost a whisper she seemed to feel like a warm breeze against her neck.

"You don't need to worry about that. I spent more than one night with half of the woods digging into my body. I think the messy tavern is way above the comfort level anyway," Freya replied, taking a seat on the slightly creaking wooden bench.

"And why was that?" He asked, taking a seat right across from her, seeming curious.

"I hunt a lot," she explained with a shrug.

He chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "You hunt?".

The woman huffed, "And why is that so surprising to you?"

"I've never met a human princess who would willingly go for a walk into the woods, let alone hunt and sleep in the open." The vampire looked baffled, but for some reason he looked also like this knowledge was an entertaining turn-up for the book.

"How would you explain the bow I carry then? Certainly, I wouldn't have taken it if it wasn't for me to use," she sneered.

"Oh, I don't know... Out of sentiment perhaps?" He grinned.

That made her laugh. "Out of sentiment, my ass... Although, I have to admit that this bow is a piece of fine craftsmanship. Wouldn't hurt to carry it out of sentiment. Although, I'm a more practical kind of person."

The Prince smiled softly, focusing on his hands lying on the table. "I'd like to see you use it then." His head raised, changing his focus from his hands to her face.

There was something unusual about his eyes. Beyond the gloom, Freya seemed to see something deep within them, calling to her. She couldn't quite explain where the feeling was coming from. So far, no boy, let alone a grown man, has aroused such curiosity in her. She wanted to know it all. His thoughts, his past, his innermost desires.

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