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"I thought it would be to suspious if I came alone so I suppose I owe you a thank you." Archiebald remarked.

"What do you mean? Archiebald, tell me straight, what is this all about?" I folded my arms.

Archibald gave me a glance remaining quiet and avoided answering my questions where I eventually gave up on prodding him.

The carriage eventually pulled to a stop. I could almost feel what lay ahead with the judgemental gazes of the snobbish aristocracy as it seeped into my skin like a slimy parasite. I took a deep breath preparing myself for the humiliation that I knew they would not let me escape.

Archie got out of the carriage before me and stood at the door with his hand out ready for me to take. He gave me a reassuring glance, something usual for him to do.

I placed my hand in his own as he helped me out before holding onto his arm as we walked into the grand villa ahead of us. Archibald's demeanor quickly changed upon entering the glorious ballroom.

I could see his eyes desperately searching the faces of those present and before I could even blink he had left my side and disappeared into the crowd.

Why am I not surprised? I should have expected him to do as much. It is Archibald after all.

I let out a sigh and moved to the side of the ballroom opting to remain out of sight of those I wished to avoid. I still had no idea why or for whom this ball was held but subtle hints from the lavish decor made me come to the conclusion that this was a ball held in honour of an engagement.

"Poor Sir Adam standing there all alone at his own engagement ball." I heard a familiar voice whisper nearby.

"Lady Jane truly knows no bounds dissappearing like that. If I were had I say, I would call it reason to end the engagement. Wretched woman I tell you. I honestly cannot fathom what the man sees in her." Another familiar voice piped in.

"Quiet. What if someone hears you running your mouth like that. Truly unbefitting of a lady such as yourself." The first voice scolded.

I tried to move away quickly not wanting to be caught up in any gossip and not wanting to be seen by those two. Lady Susan and Lady Flora. They were part of a notorious group known for spreading baseless rumours and tarnishing reputations.

I for one fell victim to them countless times. They enjoyed tormenting me and pushing me to the edge to find whatever they could to use against me. It starts with innocent little games that can turn nasty within seconds and who would believe someone like me against two or more of them.

Truly a vicious bunch to interact with.

I managed to slip through the open doors out into the gardens. It was less crowded here. I let a soft breath of relief.

I allowed myself to wander the grounds in an attempt to kill time but mostly to avoid running into people I did not wish to interact with.

"No... We can't..." I heard a muffled lady's voice nearby. "What if... Mmm.. What if someone sees us?" She moaned.

Just ignore it. I chanted in my head. Pretend I heard nothing and be on my way.

I began to speed walk in the opposite direction.

"Archie... Mmm..."

I froze mid step.

"No one is here." Came his muffled voice.

I clenched my fist and spun around ready to let my anger loose on the idiot. I could not believe that he had the audacity to run off just so he could get with some girl leaving me to fend for myself in what feels like a wolves den.

"Archie..." She moaned again. "Please... It's my engagement ball."

My eyes met with Lady Jane's as she said those words just seconds after I caught sight of the two.

Archibald had her pinned against  a piller and was just about devouring her neck. He had his hand up her dress and his strong movements followed by her loud moans were a clear indication as to what they were doing.

Jane's eyes widened at the realisation, "Oh um..." She tried to push Archibald off.

Upon noticing her sudden change in mood, Archie looked up and followed her gaze where he met my shocked expression. I was at a complete loss of words.

"I did not see anything!" I proclaimed and quickly covered my eyes. Not knowing how else to deal with this, I did the only logical thing I could think of; I ran.

"Ruth wait -" Archibald called behind me but I was too quick. I really did not know how to deal with him in that moment.

I could barely process what I had just seen. Archibald was with Lady Jane. This was Lady Jane and Sir Adam's engagement ball. Lady Jane is to be married yet there she was frolicking with Archibald.

Was this the whole reason why Archibald wanted to attend this evening? He could not be smitten with her could he? Impossible... Or is it?

As I rounded the corner lost in thought, I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I shot out a quick apology.

"You almost ruined my dress!" A familiar voice wined.

Oh no.

I took a step back and kept my head low begging for them not to recognise me. "So sorry." I apologised again and tried to slip passed.

I was unfortunately stopped by a hand grabbing my shoulder. "You see familiar. Have we met before?" Lady Flora questioned.

I continued keeping my head low still refusing to meet her eyes. "No. I do not think so. Now if you will excuse me." I tried to push her hand off.

"Where do you think you are going?" Another voice joined in. Lady Susan.

Just my luck.

Before I could say anything, Flora was suddenly in my line of sight. She had bent down and manged to get to catch a good glimpse of me.

"Oh my. I cannot believe it. I almost did not recognise without all that make up." She sniggered and moved away, "How disrespectful of Lady Susan and I, we should have behaved in a proper manner for the Duchess."

I finally looked up glaring at the two girls before me. I as they giggled. I could almost hear their taunts beneath their false words.

"If you know who I am, then it would be in your best interest to leave me be."

"What? Is our company not good enough for you now that you are some fancy Duchess?" Susan spat, "You think you can just look down on us?"

"I am saddened. After we were such good friends." Flora pretended to weep.

"Shameful." Susan pushed me slightly as she rushed to Flora's side, "You have hurt Lady Flora."

Don't let them get to you. Just walk away.

"Always so horrid to those who have done nothing."

Don't let them get to you.

"I cannot believe the Duke married someone as wretched as repulsive as you!"

Don't let them get to you.

"It makes sense why the Faintree's wanted you gone as quickly as possible."

Don't let them.

"I bet your own brother is making himself sick just so he doesn't have to be around you as much."


"Is he even smart enough to do that?" Flora looked at Susan.

"You have a point. I mean they are blood related after all. Guess he is probably as stupid and pathetic as his own sister." Susan scoffed and Flora laughed.

"I hope he dies soon then. It seems like he is a waste of good air."

Too late.

I threw the first punch.

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