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"I take back my apology," I gave a smug smile, "You deserved that." I promptly spun on my heels stomped off before I could do anything I would regret.

"Wait." The Duke's deep voice called as he managed to slip passed me and block my path.

I glared at him and tried to move around him but the stubborn man was unrelenting.

"Move." I huffed, "I am in no mood to deal with you right now."

"My lady, I have no idea what I may have done to offend you but surely this is no way to go about this."

I wanted to laugh.

Did he take me for a fool?

"Let me guess, you want me to grovel on my knees and ask you for forgiveness?" I rolled my eyes, "Well, that's just not going to happen. Enjoy the horse dung."

I tried to move passed him again. I needed to get back to work.

"Are you always this impossible to talk to?" His dark eyes glinted as the corners of his lips rose slightly hinting at his amusement.

"Guess you would not know, since you never have even spoken to me." I gave him  an unimpressed look.

"Oh so this is what all this is about?" The gorgeous man let out a chuckle, "I should have figured it out sooner. You are upset that I have never noticed you before."

"Are you serious?" 

"It only makes sense."  He reasoned.

"Just go back to ignoring my existence. It's better that way." I rolled my eyes again using force to successfully push passed him.

As I was walking, the irritating Duke fell knot step with me, "After noticing you, I don't think I could ever ignore you."

I tried to walk faster but his long legs kept up with ease.

"You must take me for a fool Cassius Waisend."

"You address me so casually..." He mumbled under his breath before stepping in my path again and stopping me once more, "Who are you?" His expression was now stern and serious yet a hint of curiosity danced in his eyes.

I looked at him frowning, "You tell me."

"That is not an answer."

"Take a guess then." I folded my arms across my chest humouring him.

"Your current," he looked me up and down, "appearance screams commoner yet you hold yourself like a noble."

"Who would have thought? I am done playing your games now please let me get back to my job." I gave him an innocent smile before quickly dropping it back into a scowl as I continued walking.

"I will find out who you are." He called standing still as I stomped off.

I could not believe that he had the audacity to keep this silly little act up. He surely must be laughing behind my back right now.

I really wished I had big held myself back and slapped some sense into the man.

The day went on fairly smoothly after that although it was still long and overly taxing on my body. I was lucky that my rage and frustration towards the Duke allowed me to complete my job faster and thus I was given a small bonus for a job well done.

I smiled in delight as a small thought crossed my mind. With the few extra coins, I  could finally buy the supplies to write to Rourke.

My smile never left my lips even in my tired state as I poured my heart into the paper telling my brother all the wonders I had seen. I chose to sugar coat many parts or not write them all together so as not to make him worry.

I just about ran into town the next morning to send it off. Although I was happy to finally be able ro write to him, I was sad that I could not see him.

A sad smile formed in my lips.

I hope he was okay and getting better.

I would need to send the first payment soon...

If I continued to work hard, I would be able to pay it in the next few days.

The writing supplies had set me back quite a bit more than I had bargained for but I could not help myself. I missed my brother.

I knew I would have to ration my meals even more than I currently was to make it up for it. Even though I had only been working two days, I had allowed myself two meals a day but now I would have to reduce it to one.

My stomach chose that moment to grumble in protest. I gave a sad sigh.

I could do this.

It was for Rourke.

The next week passed by like a warm summer breeze.

I had worked as hard as I could hoping for another bonus but my attempts had been futile.

My reduced meals had began to take a toll on my body and it was becoming much harder do continue this harsh manual labour but still I pushed on and soon I was able to make the first weekly payment.

As I was slowly through the town on my way back to the Waisend estate, I bumped into someone.

I had been carrying my head down in defeated exhaustion as my tired feet dragged me along the streets.

I almost fell over at the impact but two strong hands grabbed my elbows steadying me.

I looked up.

I wanted to frown when I saw him but I was to exhausted to even try.

I had not seen Cassius for over a week and it honestly was a relief. It was bad enough that he had seen me reduced to such a pitiful state back then but now it was even worse.

I did not want him to see me like this right now.

I did not want him to see me so exhausted and defeated.

I did not want to give him the satisfaction.

"Are you okay?"

His firm hands still held me by my elbows keeping me steady.

"Yes." I wanted my voice to sound strong but it came out weaker than I had hoped.

I tried to pull away from him but I hardly had the energy to do so and almost stumbled at my attempted.

"You are very pale..." He noted as his eyes danced over my form.

His voice felt very distant for some reason as my vision began to haze. He looked so blurry before he suddenly dissappeared altogether as I fainted.

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