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Jake Golding

I don't know why I agreed to it ......
shit... shit..... shit....
I have to leave before I completely lose my mind as I tried to move towards the door he just pulled by my hand and pushed me towards the bed
"Where are you going? " his eyebrows frowned and he looked angry
a chill went down my spine and I knew if I tried to move again he would do something and that something would be bad

"I asked you thrice and you agreed to it you can't back down now baby boy... " he said looking directly at me his eyes were jet black and he never once broke eye contact when he looked at me

Fuck! i can't move when he looks at me like that and how does he have such a strong grip , the grip on my hand was not a joke but it didn't hurt it was strong and I knew i couldn't move my hands

" I a-am sc-scared..." I stuttered looking at him

"Don't worry baby I won't hurt you"he replied with a evil grin God he looked so good was that the reason I followed an unknown stranger to his home without thinking about the consequences

(Flashback) At the pub
I had gone with my friends as I had fought with my girlfriend Amy about something I don't even remember . She said I don't care about her and that was right I only dated her cause she looked cute and was behind me the whole year

"I dont know why you are dating me??? Do you even love me?? "Amy asked looking directly in my eyes
I opened my mouth but didn't have an answer to return I didn't love her and 'like' was confusing , I just dated her cause my friends said that it would be cool dating the most popular junior of our school and I agreed to it

"I don't know....."I said as I left her at the classroom
When we first dated it was all flowers and hearts, she always tried to do things for me and I was happy getting love but later she started obsessing about people I talk with and that lead to lots of fights and disputes. So after our fight I just went to the pub with my friends to have some drinks but never in my dreams did I think I would end up like this

As I was sitting in the pub with my friends who were now shoveing their mouth on random girls, one girl had tried to talk to me but I just told her to buzz of , they were now grinding each other in front of me and it just made me feel disgusted

"Get a room " I said staring at Tay and Ismael who had now lifted their faces and I just moved to another table, they just shrugged and went somewhere and I think it was to the nearest bathroom with their own girls .Now I was just sitting alone at the table and drinking my beer till a person came and sat in front of me ,first I thought they just wanted to share the table cause I was sitting alone but later I felt his stare on me

I looked at him and hell he was handsome I think he was asian his face was white and he wore black turtleneck and torn jeans and he looked hot I guess he caught me staring at him as I saw a small smirk up his face.

He looked at me and mouthed "come here" the music was too loud to hear anything and I was shocked that he spoke to me so I just looked somewhere else then he slowly got up and sat next to me and I was shocked looking at him he had a sharp jawline he had black eyes which were reflecting the light and a small scar on his eyebrows as I was looking at his face he just looked at me with no expression just a stoic face

"You alone?? " he asked he had a low baritone and his voice was deep and it resonated in my ears as we were sitting to close
" No, I have come with some friends "I said as he was looking around "I'm pretty sure they are busy in the bathroom " I continued and he looked at me and narrowed his eyes

"What about you? " he asked

"Not interested " I answered while drinking my beer

"Good boy "he said and I was shocked to hear that from him it gave me slight happiness was it really that good that I didn't have any girl over me and I had
choked on my drink
I was coughing and the beer had spilled all over my shirt and face did he just call me a good boy?? No I was not a kid??and I sure didn't look like one

He just stretched his hands and wiped my mouth with his hands ,he had large hands and It covered half of my face I guess more than that.... And as he wiped my face he had a grin on his face and I just froze not believing the situation it's not like I was straight ,I was bisexual and everyone mostly knew it but I was always the one taking care of others not the one being taken care of

He came close to my ears and spoke "Do you want to come over to my house? We can play baby boy ??" he said now slowly biting my ears and I felt his hot breath on my skin


I thought that this was just my drunk mind was playing tricks I just at their silently taking in his bites

"Hmm? "he said impatiently and looked at my face his eyes locked into mine and without thinking about anything the words had escaped my mouth

"Yes..."i said and it was a whisper and he heard it his lips moved to a smile but then he got up and pulled me up and now I was following some random guy who's name I didn't know at all

I think I had drank too much and as he driving past the traffic in his motorbike I felt like puking
And I don't know how we got there but when he stopped I just jumped down his bike and just puked on the road he got me a bottle of water and I just rinsed my mouth and drink the water to rehydrate myself and now I was walking to his house
'Did he live alone?' I thought and he spoke saying "I live alone and don't be so tensed" I looked at him in shock as I felt he read my mind and he just chuckled .Did I say it out loud

"What are you thinking?" He asked me as I was looking at the ceiling
"Nothinn... "I said and he looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed

"I don't like lying" he commanded as he slowly bit my neck and he was sucking it ever so slowly and I knew it was going to leave a mark
I just winced under him as he slowly moved his lips to my jawline slowly showering butterfly kisses he kissed my lips slowly at first the it became rough like he was devoring me and slowly I could feel his breath over my lips as he kissed me softly I just had closed my eyes from the beginning

He slowly kissed my upper lip and then my lower lip and he then bit my lower lip I just moaned out as now I could feel his heavy body on mine and he again bit my lips and it hurt this time
"Open " he growled iand now I realized he said me to open my mouth and I did so
He now slowly pulled me and kissed me hard his tongue was now all over my mouth as he kissed me so passionately, he kissed me and I just moaned in his mouth as this kiss felt so hot and it was the first time I had been kissed like this and as he knew I was enjoying it now he removed his lips from mine
I could now feel my mouth empty and I winced as I opened my eyes to see why he stopped

"As much as I want to continue, I'll do it when your sober cause that time it's much more fun bub.. " he said now biting my ear as he lay beside me
"No.. "I said before I felt my eyelids feel heavy and I drifted to sleep and I don't remember anything after that

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