the perfect solar system

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Neptune was hanging around urauns again, annoying him or just following him  chatting about random things like the sun or their moons, then urauns, brings something up.

"Neptune, I've always wondered what that thing is on your surface?"


"You know the purple ish thing?"

"Oh! Iris gave it to me! :3"


"Yeahh...? I don't know what it is, tho..."

"I don't really like iris that -"

"Omg, irisszzz!"

Neptune floats over to Iris

"Oh hey Neptune! Why are you here? I thought you were hanging out with your cousin..."

"I was, but then I saw youuuu! :D"

"Ah... OK then..."

"What are you thinking about iris!!!???"

"Oh, uh... not much... I'm just looking at the other stars!"

As the two were talking, urauns just looked at Iris in a rude way, but he couldn't care less, so he decided to finally write in his diary since he hasn't written in a couple of human days.

"Iris, why don't you hang around me muchhhh? :("

"... I just don't have time..."

"Do you have time now!?"

"I mean... sure..."

"Can we hang out!!!???"

"I-... sure why not..."

The two went to iris's orbit chatting and spotted different stars and naming them weird names.

"And that one is... urauns 8.0!"

"So many Uranus's, huh?"

"Yeah! I love my cousin! Ok, your turn, Iris!"


Iris points at a star

"I think that one should be... Neptune!"

"Hey! That's my name!"


"Not funny! Hmph!"

"Fine, I'll change it then if you want to Neptune..."

"No! You can't change it now!"

"Are you sureee?"


"OK then... it's your turn again..."

Neptune spots and points at a star next to the one iris pointed out.

"That one is... iris! Ha! >:)"

"Is that your revenge?"

"Yes! So now we can be two stars next to each other! ^^"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, and.. and.. uh... now we need to make our own solar system! With planets and moons!"

"Oh yeah... that would be cool, Neptune..."

"OK, now let's name some, and you can't name any Neptune cause that's my name!"

"Fine..! Fine..!"

The two started naming and explaining what everything would look like. Neptune grabbed an asteroid and drew it all out.

"There we go! Our perfect solar system! XD"

"Perfect, isn't it?"

"Yes -"

Urauns suddenly called out to Neptune.

"Oh sorry iris... I've got to go back to my orbit... maybe we can plan more in one human day!"

"Oh, OK... see you in one human day then..."

Neptune then went back to his orbit, leaving iris all alone in his thoughts. Iris 
Instead of overthinking as always, he then grabbed another asteroid and started planning more for Neptune since he loved spending time with his strange friend.

after he appeared and mutated poor Neptune, the others felt sick of him and didn't want to go near him, but Neptune didn't mind and thought it was quite cool and befriended 

^*time skip*^


Urauns and Neptune were chatting again and Neptune almost forgot about iris but urauns wanted some time alone so he reminded Neptune about iris.

"Yeah... so... are you gonna go chat to iris?"


Neptune then once again went over to iris's orbit.


"Ah, hey there little buddy!"

"Did you miss me!? :0"

"Ofcourse! I all was miss you! Did you miss me!?"

"Mhm! Lots!!! >o<"

"That's good... oh Neptune! I made more moons and planets for our solar system!"

"Omg really!!!!???? Your the bestest friend I've every haddddd!"

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