Chapter Thirty Four

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The whole island was covered by flour and vegetables, Arjun and Aashi stood at one corner of kitchen looking as guilty as they could be, Pranitha and Karan who has just entered the kitchen to cook breakfast looked at each other before looking back at the culprit of the mess who were looking at everywhere except them

"Arjun..." Pranitha sighed, as soon as Arjun heard his name from her he pointed his finger towards his younger sister, raised his hand up in surrender pose.

"I promise, It wasn't me, It was Aashi's idea to suprise both of you so she wanted to cook breakfast, I was only standing here without touching anything" He lied giving a guilty side eye to his sister who glared at her brother placing her both hand on her hips.

"Waah bhaiya, How could you? Was it not you who wanted to cook breakfast for Pranitha bhabhi, You came knocking my door for help" Aashi retorted back, Arjun glared his sister back with anger for exposing him.

"Ohh please, Was it not you who was feeling guilty for lying to her that one day over call and wanted to make a sorry breakfast" Arjun too spoke exposing his sister, Aashi look here and there before her eyes fall on the wheat flour container and without a second thought she picked the container and emptied it on her brother's head, Pranitha and Karan gasped so did Arjun who was resembling nothing but a flour covered clown.

"Arjun, Aashi , You both stop now" Pranitha said knowing very well that it's not the end, she stepped forward to pull Arjun out of kitchen but before she could reach Karan pulled her back and Arjun emptied the water like Pasta sauce they were trying to make since morning on his sister, Aashi yelled and went ahead to throw a punch at his brother who dodged it off without putting any efforts and smirked.

"You both aren't going to come out of kitchen until the mess isn't cleaned" Pranitha scolded looking at the mess on island and floor, she shook her head and glared at both Arjun and Aashi who look down looking guilty.

"But bunny she started it, she should be punished not me" Arjun tried his luck in his sweet guilty voice but received a hard glare in response.

"But bhabhi it was bhaiya's idea to ...." The glare was now directed to Aashi who shut her mouth close as soon as she saw it and nodded her head.


A good two hour later the brother and sister went to take bath after cleaning the kitchen spotless and after a good half an hour bath they joined Pranitha and Karan in living room but none of them spoke to Pranitha and Karan, they both sat down on the sofa opposite to theirs and sulked even going as far as giving the occasional glare to duo.

"Arjun" Pranitha tried to talk to him but he turned his face away like a child and talked to Aashi who gave a side glance to Pranitha before replying to her brother "Arjun, You are acting as a child" Pranitha said folding her hand at front of her.

"And you like a strict mother" he retorted mimicking Pranitha's pose by folding his hand at front of him and sitting straight.

"But it was both of yours fault to make a mess like that in kitchen" Pranitha argued back.

"We only wanted to suprise both of you by cooking breakfast, there wasn't any need to make us clean that mess" Arjun sulked replying back to her, Aashi and Karan looked at each other not really knowing how to act or what to say as it was first time they have seen their lovey dovey bhaiya and bhabhi having argument over something.

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