Chapter Eighteen

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The custody case which Pranitha's father has filed against Agastya was long forgotten by Raghuvanshi family, and now even Rakesh has withdrawn the case seeing Pranitha has married Agastya, the news of Agastya being able to walk didn't only bring joy to family but also lots of responsibility as well, Pranitha was in charge to look after Agastya's needs including his medicine, diet and everything else seeing she is the one who spent all her time with him.

Three weeks has passed since they have gotten the news and in their last visit to Doctor which was a week ago Agastya was asked to stay on bed mostly and not to take any kind of stress as with in two months he will be going through the surgery, so now both of the couple was sitting on bed Agastya looking annoyed and Pranitha angry

"You don't have to work, I will look after things" Pranitha lost the count of times she has repeated the same line to him in one week.

"I cannot let you be burdened by all this alone, I have to help you with things" Agastya also repeated the same line he keeps telling her from last week.

"Then make it easy by letting me do things and not disturbing me with this childishness Agastya" She said in a breathe not really knowing she has broken the first rule she has made years back, Agastya went still for a minute watching her face for reaction, the last time he has heard her calling him by his name was five years ago, he has yearned each and every second of last five years to hear his own name out of her mouth, hearing her calling him by his name, well it feels intimate, and now only Pranitha repeated her own words in her head, she couldn't believe she has broken the first rule she has made for herself and that is not taking his name from her mouth ever, calling him by his name has always made her feel intimate as if his name is only meant for her to chant, they both looked at each other, Pranitha lost in her thought and Agastya with a small smile at edge of his lips.

"What are you smiling at?" His smile irked her, she only read what she thought was his smile for, that is for mocking her, for telling her that she lost even after five years of hating him making a wall around her heart, a month around him was enough to make hole into them, and she felt angry but more than him she was angry on her own self for being so weak.

"It's been so long Pari, hearing you calling me by my name it's been years since I have last heard you" His eyes and voice both were soft and for first time after she has met him again she has seen something different in his eyes not the same voidness she is so familiar with, Pranitha felt confused for a moment not knowing how to react hearing him calling her Pari has sent tingles down into her spine.

"Don't ever call me by that name again, and what are you trying to play now?" Her voice rose a notch higher than she has intended but Agastya has already known that in process of making her believe in him, making her trust him, and more important making her fall in love with him there will be lots of this, lots of her anger, her frustration, her tears, her rejection but he is prepared, but it didn't mean he wasn't affected, he was hurt but was good to hide it from her.

Pranitha look at him unbelievably, her head wander back to the word he has just spoke, the realisation dawned upon her and her eyes slightly widened "Does it mean you remember?" Her lower lips quivered as she asked, Agastya looked at her for a second, he knew there was no point in lying, there is no point of keeping her in dark so with his eyes filled with hope and fear he nodded his head.

"Since when?" Another question followed.

"The morning after the wedding, I was getting some visions and Prachi confessed as well" a drop of tear made it's way down to Pranitha's eyes, a heartbroken chuckle left her mouth, she threw the file in her hand so that it flung from one corner of room to another and left not bothering to give any mind of his pleas to listen him.

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