Chapter Eight

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Rick held Evie as she looked over a gold disc she had picked up in the Temple of Thebes. Rick pointed to a pair of jackals, "So, who are these guys?" "Anubis' warriors. The Scorpion King's minions," Evie replied. "And these little guys?" Rick gestured to child-sized beings. Evie smiled at her husband knowing he was distracting her, "Pygmies. The Pharaohs used to catch them and bring them back to Thebes for show. They were cannibals, and very ill tempered." Damon could not help himself, "Sounds like this guy before coffee." He pointed to Klaus, only getting an inhuman growl in return. The others from Mystic Falls gave a subtle nod in agreement.

Upon landing at the Temple Island of Philae, the vampires search for any clues. It was Kol that came across another sandcastle, "Over here!" Evie, Ardeth, and Rick surveyed the sandcastle. A cone shaped mountain with 4 Colossi. Both Evie and Elijah recognized it, "Great Temple of Abu Simbel." Damon came up to them, "They traded in the train for camels, but the tracks faded from the sand shifting in the wind." Rick comments, "Well, they're traveling a little slower now. That's good news for us." They all head back to the dirigible.

Further into the Nubian desert, a caravan of sixty men, and two women on camels. One of these women had her hands bound to the reins of the camel. Omo was trying her best not to cough up a scorpion, but her efforts were futile. The coughing was heard by Imhotep, who was riding the closest to Omo. He sped his camel to trot alongside Omo, "You sick?" Omo couldn't lie to him being so close to her, "Nai, cursed."

Omo kept coughing until she spewed a scorpion that was almost entirely gold. Imhotep caught the scorpion before it fell to the ground. He observed the creature that was trying to sting the high priest. Imhotep smirked, "It seems you become more interesting by the moment, Princess." Omo scowled, "Not interesting enough to keep alive, High Priest." Imhotep did not confirm nor deny Omo's statement. The caravan continues to trot over the sand dunes to their next destination.

Great Temple of Abu Simbel

Omo had just revealed the final path to Ahm Shere and had moved away from the caravan to construct the sandcastle to show where they are traveling to next. She was almost finished drawing the hieroglyphs for La Nile Azul (The Blue Nile), when Lock-Nah stomps on it. "Leaving breadcrumbs?!" He was going to strangle the girl, but Imhotep stopped him. The High Priest knew Omo was leaving a trail for those she was with and was not going to stop her. He thought it was entertaining, "Go ahead and send your message. I'll be ready for them." Omo was scared for the people who had helped her. She hopes they will be alright. Imhotep waved his hand and reconstructed the hieroglyphs then they left.

La Nile Azul

The dirigible had rounded a tight corner of a canon, beautiful, rushing, blue waters below them. Rick and Ardeth lean over the side to survey the riverbank, looking for camel tracks. Rick points out the obvious, "That's the Blue Nile. We're out of Egypt now." "Yes, but we're still in Ancient Egypt," Evie remarks. Kol complains from boredom, "How are we going to find them in this maze of canons?"

A little further down the riverbank, standing near the entrance of Ahm Shere is Imhotep, Anck-Su-Numan, Omo, and the henchmen. Imhotep knows the dirigible is close to them. He takes off his outer cloak and wades into the water, he turns to Omo, "I hope your friends enjoy their journey." Imhotep starts to raise his arms and a wall of water rises up out of the river.

The people inside the dirigible hear a rumbling sound closing in from behind them. Izzy is the first one to see the wall of water, "Shit!" A massive wall of water crashes down, charging right at them. Throwing rocks and boulders out of its way. Rick yells at Izzy, "Izzy! Go right! Starboard! Starboard!" Izzy pulls on the flame cable and turns the wheel; the dirigible accelerates and starts to corner into a small side canyon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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