Chapter Six

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The Temple of Thebes

There's a strong wind blowing the sand of the desert surrounding an ancient temple outside of Thebes. An off-road vehicle parked near the entrance; its occupants slowly enter.

Inside the temple, dozens of giant pillars rise up from the rock-strewn floor to the cracked ceiling above. A shaft of dusty sunlight shines in through a doorway. Klaus, Elijah, and Stefan are the first to enter the temple, for safety reasons since they are not easily killed. Omorose and Evie follow behind the men. Omo moves to a large, metal mirror, and tries to pick it up. Klaus' instantly next to her and picks up the mirror with ease. He looks at her and asks, "What is this for?" Omo doesn't understand what he said but does understand the expression on his face. She points to the small ray of sunlight then to the mirror.

Evie had found another mirror and was moving to direct it into the proper position to catch the sunlight. Elijah helps her while Stefan finds a third mirror, stands it up, and dust off the sand. "These are to catch the sunlight and provide light as long as the sun is up," Evie says as she wipes away the sand and reveals the reflective surface. Omo has Klaus pivot her mirror to catch the sun ray and reflect it on the second mirror. The sunlight is reflected off the rest of the mirrors, lighting up the chamber they are in. A fourth mirror catches the sun ray then reflects it to the next one until a hall is lit up.

"Oh, that is neat," Stefan is in awe. So are Elijah and Klaus, they just hide it better. Klaus looked around the room seeing the various broken vases, a scaffold leaning against one of the pillars, and several cartouches and mosaics chiseled into the walls. Stefan moves to stand next to his former best friend, "I'm wondering how this place is still standing and mostly undisturbed?" Klaus shakes his head, "No clue, mate. Best stay out here, in case others show up." Stefan nodded and went and sat down on the bottom platform of the scaffold.

Omorose and Evie walked further into the temple, Omo was leading but Evie had a sense of Deja Vu. She voiced this to Omo, "I have never been here, but I feel I've been here." "Nefertiti reborn," Omo shrugged. Evie thought about the possibility that she may be Nefertiti reincarnated. Omo and Evie came to what looked like a solid wall with an engraving of two Egyptian women in hand-to-hand combat. Evie hears a hissing at her feet, she looks down and sees a big black snake, "Go away." She hooks her foot underneath the snake and tosses it across the way from her. Elijah was standing in the general direction the snake landed in, "Asps are quite poisonous." Evie turns to Elijah, "Only if they bite you."

Klaus snorts, "Dead end?" Before making another remark Omo presses on the engraving where one of the women is holding a weapon, a Sai, that was bent at an awkward angle. The Sai 'pops' out of the wall so Omo could twist it into the proper position then press it back into the wall which swings open like a massive door. The room is revealed to be filled with Scorpions, Tarantulas, poisonous Asps, and half-eaten mummies. With a newly lit torch that Elijah has, he waved it across the ground to clear a path. Evie reached the sealed door on the other side first, the sense of Deja Vu is strong, "I truly believe I have been here before." She reaches up and pulls a torch holder mounted on the wall beside the sealed door and it opens revealing a passage.

"Love, nobody has been here in centuries," Klaus says as he follows Omo and Evie. Evie turns to the Hybrid, "Then how do I seem to know exactly where I'm going?" They move down the passage to another sealed door. Omorose moves to a Sundial that is covered in cobwebs. She grabs it; turns it twice to the right, and once to left and the door opens. The chamber is not very big. It has two mummified warriors standing on either side of an ornate chest. Evie and Omo move closer to the chest. Evie reads the hieroglyphs and the top, "He who disturbs this chest will drink from the Nile." Omo shakes her head, "Drown...Not Drink." "Oh, we can't have that," Evie studies the chest intensely.

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