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"Sorry," they said in unison as they lifted their gaze and their eyes met. Like two teens, they turned their gaze away.

Pebbles whined, and the owls hooted. There was no saving these humans. No wonder the world was coming to its end.

Freckles, he has so many? Thandie thought while Callum's mind rebooted the closeness of her lips.

A faint cry pierced the silence and jolted Thandie from her seat. Swimming in a pool of baby cries for years, Thandie could recognize her child's high-pitched cry from anywhere.

"I need to go, Callum," Thandie said and ran across the street.

A minute later, Callum saw one of the rooms in Thandie's house light up, and the crying stopped. Callum was about to call it a night when he saw Thandie's silhouette at the window. She held her youngest.

Callum instinctively crossed the road.

Thandie opened the window, and the man approached.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay."

"See you tomorrow."

Callum gestured a shy wave, "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Thandie smiled and closed the window.

Sleep refused to grace either one. Both replayed their evening until the morning struck its first rays of light. Thandie tried to persuade herself that her unsettledness was due to the peanut and the wine, while Callum couldn't get over what he was sure was a compliment.

Beaux yeux.

Callum had never received a compliment about his eyes, but his white, straight teeth often drew praise. Despite his smoking habit, his teeth remained remarkably pristine. He couldn't understand why people expected him to have crooked or stained teeth, not realizing it was part of the fantasy that made him a character in shows like Peaky Blinders.

There, in front of his bathroom mirror, Callum didn't see what his eyes had. His overall appearance wasn't what women usually opted for. Callum had no abs, but his body was defined by the absence of chest hair and a legion of freckles. His arms were the only parts he liked. As for his face, it was what it was, led by a prominent nose and skin that didn't age well.

Callum got ready for work. The email arrived a little before Thandie's passage in front of the bakery.

Dear Callum,

You've exchanged frequent messages with Thandie.

There's probably more between you two than you think. It's time to step up your game and ask Thandie out on a date.

Please let us know how it goes.

Good luck!

Team Oppo

The message was automatic, and Callum guessed Thandie received the same email. He was right, but hers had a different twist.

Hi Thandie,

Are you enjoying your chats with Callum?

Why not take the experience further by asking Callum out on a date?

Statistics show that 94% of men over 30 like it when a woman makes the first move.

Go on, shoot your shot!

Team Oppo

The Oppo AI tailored messages to match the recipients' profiles. Callum received an encouraging message, while Thandie got a direct one that suited her personality. The app aimed to match couples and nudged them in the right direction, although people were free to do as they wished. Thandie sighed and pocketed her phone, as Royal walked ahead, lost in thought while his sisters discussed the pastries they found on their doorstep.

LOVE IN THE BAKINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant