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I'm still mad.

Thiane sighed at the message Thandie sent her. She hoped Thandie would realize it was for her own good and that her sister would come to her senses.

Thiane didn't tell her, but Thandie's kids probably knew more about Moses' new wife than her.

Moses wasn't as cautious as he imagined when he got his calls. Royal overheard a few things, and Kenya saw ambiguous pics slide by on his phone. Even if they knew the children wished to hear the truth from their mother. Still, Thandie's lips remained sealed, and so they accommodated her.

You have a message.

Hi, how are you?

Thandie frowned at her screen.

One message from Theo.

And one pending from Callum.

Thandie closed the app when it vibrated with another message.

Delete it if you want Thiane said before leaving. The temptation to do so was great, but curiosity was greater.

It was Saturday. Her shift rotation allowed Thandie to be off that day. And for once, she didn't have much to do.

Royal did the dishes, Kenya hovered, and Mei looked over Belle Ange, who exercised her legs by running everywhere.

Thandie stared at her phone again. Why were these men insisting?

She didn't know they could not swap her profile unless they spoke.

"Royal, can you bring me your P.E. tracksuits?"

Another message.

It was too much Thandie, who decided to have a quick peak.

Hi Thandie. I'm Martin.

Thandie looked around her as if to see if someone spied on her before replying, Hi, Martin, and shoving her phone back in her pocket.

She took one step when she heard her phone buzz.

"Here, Mom."

"Thank you," she said, grasping the clothes Royal gave her and proceeding to fill the machine. Thandie waited for the cycle to start before taking out her phone.

She frowned over the new message.

Why was the man still there?

Angry, Thandie had forced Thiane to reply to the form concerning Callum. Callum should no longer be a match if she understood the website rules and what Thiane had explained correctly. Yet he was there, and Thandie didn't understand why Thiane placed a bet on a man she would never date.

Thandie debated on whether she should read the message or not, and finally, curiosity won her over.

Hi, I'm sorry about yesterday. I went ahead of myself. Can we start the conversation all over?

Thandie kissed her teeth. What was Thiane thinking?

A part of her wanted to ignore Callum's message, but after rereading the text, she decided to reply. The man hadn't done anything wrong; he was polite, and Thandie wanted to return the courtesy.

Sorry, I'm really busy right now; Thandie wrote and pressed send.

The message was dry, but it wasn't rude, Thandie thought as she resumed her activity and went to prepare lunch.

Callum watched his phone vibrate but didn't dare take a look. The man woke up at the crack of dawn. Correction, he decided to leave his bed at an early hour because he could not get any sleep. His mind bustled with daunting thoughts. He had to do something, anything, to think about something other than his neighbor.

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