Part 18 - Guess I won't keep our promise

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Author's note: Anything in italics signifies a flashback.

Shockwave's POV:

I sighed.

Another day where my parents favored my sister over me.

Today was my birthday, yet they couldn't even wish me a "Happy Birthday" or celebrate. Instead, they headed to a recreation center with my sister because her friend was having a birthday party there, and the entire family was invited.

This scenario wasn't new, but it stung just as much as the first time they did it. All I ever received were punishments for the slightest mistakes, both physical and mental.

Maybe it was out of love - who knows?

Or perhaps it wasn't love at all; maybe I was just a scapegoat for them to channel their anger. It's like breaking a glass or slamming a door when you're angry, except I'm the glass or door. 

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

I need to focus and get back to studying.

There's a math test tomorrow. If I fail, there will be punishments waiting at my front door. If I succeed, maybe I'll finally gain my parents' attention. Perhaps they'll choose me over my sister once and for all.

Deep down, I just wanted equal treatment with my sister, but given how she was treated compared to me, I hoped at least to make her understand my struggles.

"Whatever," I sighed. "I better get back to work; this test's gonna be hard,"

I stood ready to face Ripper, who was charged up and ready to throw down.

Taking down Ripper was crucial; it was the only way Power-Punch could escape the dream. At the moment, it was up to me to stop The Purge, and among us – me, Power-Punch, and The Swordsman – I was the strongest, at least for now.

Honestly, Power-Punch might outshine me eventually, but that's a long way off.

Ripper started by slamming his hammer down. I threw up a sound barrier just in time to block it.

"I've seen your past," he smirked. "Your sister is so much better than you."

It got under my skin, but I managed to keep my cool.

Ripper was all about mind games – let him get in your head and you're done.

He came at me swinging his hammer, but I dodged and countered with a roundhouse kick. He blocked it with his hammer, flipped it into a handstand, and kicked me back.

"You've got Muay Thai, but I've got Capoeira," Ripper laughed. "Let's see which one wins today."

Capoeira, an old martial art developed by African slaves, might not have worked against guns and swords back then, but it's a powerhouse in today's world, even showing up in UFC and the mangas I read.

Ripper pulled a cartwheel that I barely dodged. Using that momentum, he twisted mid-air and nailed me with a screwdriver kick, knocking the wind out of me.

He was airborne, ready to finish me off with a final kick that could knock anyone out. 

That would be true, but to me, losing wasn't an option just yet.

I got my act together just in time and used my right hand to block Ripper's kick, shutting it down completely.

Looks like Ripper's got a lot of acrobatic skills.

I took advantage of the situation, grabbing his leg, pulling him in, and landing a solid punch on his face. Then, I hit him with a hard sidekick straight to his core, pushing him back and leaving him catching his breath.

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