Part 17 - Dream State?

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We stared at each other, ready to fight.

"This is gonna be one crazy fight," I smirked. "Today's the day you're going down."

Ripper pulled out this massive hammer from behind him, charging it up with some sort of reddish energy.

"This is more of a 'goodbye' for you, not me," he shot back. "I don't know how you took down Abyss and Venom, but I won't be a walk in the park."

"You're not the problem here. It's the whole Viper gang," I clarified.

"Really hitting me with that, huh?" Ripper chuckled. "Haven't faced Shockwave yet, correct?"

"She's on our team now," I confirmed. "Turns out she had a tough past, but I doubt you share the same sob story."

"So, she's a traitor, huh?" Ripper mused. "That's a major setback. The executives won't be happy about this,"

"Jay, watch yourself," Mark warned. "This guy's known for how strong he is. He's definitely gonna be much harder to beat than your previous opponents,"

Ripper slammed his hammer down, sending out a massive shockwave. Luckily, I threw up my lightning shield just in time.

That shockwave was crazy. If I hadn't used my full power, it would've wrecked me.

He charged at me with an insane amount of speed, and I readied myself for a giant showdown.

He leaped, hammer charged, ready to bring the pain.

I sidestepped just in time, and his swing hit the ground, creating a crater.

"That's one wild hammer you got there," I muttered. "No wonder they call you The Ripper."

"Comms are doing good this time," Mark chimed in. "I can guide you through this one."

"Thank the stars," I said. "Facing Shockwave was one thing, but taking on this guy solo would be a nightmare."

He swung the hammer sideways, and I dodged, only to realize I was cornered. Talk about being caught off guard!

I managed to slip away from Shockwave's clutches by taking advantage of a risky high kick she attempted. But, facing this guy with his massive hammer and unique fighting style, pulling the same move wouldn't cut it.

Left with no other option, I threw my arms up, desperately blocking an extremely devastating hit from his hammer.

A searing pain shot through my arms, forcing me to lower them.

Then, he swung the hammer at my face, sending me flying to the side.

I hit the ground hard, now on the edge of consciousness.

"I'm about to show you why they call me The Ripper," the guy chuckled. "I shred my enemies' minds like it's child's play."

So, he's not just a brute force kind of player; he has mental tactics too. This meant he'd be a tougher nut to crack than Shockwave, Abyss, or Venom. Well, I'd only be able to take him down if he didn't finish me off right here and now.

He conjured some dark energy from his hand and touched my face with it—everything went black.


Third Person POV:

"What?!" The Swordsman bellowed. "You're saying Ripper got Power-Punch in a trance?!"

"Yes!" Mark shouted through the phone. "You've got to get there as fast as you can! Take Shockwave if possible!"

"Shit!" I muttered. "Hold on!"

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