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"Disregard the world and run to
what you know is real?"

That night Becca still dragged me to the party. She picked out a dress for me.

"You look fabulous darling" Becca shrieked

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"You look fabulous darling" Becca shrieked. Well it is a pretty looking dress. "Okay let's go"

We arrived at a random party in Melbourne and went in. Becca started to give me drinks and we danced a bit. That's when i saw Oscar going in.


"Avery? Oh my gosh i didn't expect to see you here. How are you? and congratulations for the concert" He said.

"Well i didn't too and thanks. Weren't you just in Bahrain?" I asked.

"I just landed and went here to celebrate the first grand prix of the year with others who also came with me" He explained. "How about you?"

"My best friend Becca dragged me here to clear my mind" I explained while looking for her cause she's not in my sights.

"I see. Love your dress by the way" He remarked. I guess this was a good dress choice considering the compliments i've been getting since coming here. He left to meet the others. Now that i think of it, does others mean the drivers. If yes i'm praying that HE is not one of the others.

"Avery, is that you?" The voice of the man that i dedicate my whole album to was heard.

"Hey Charles" I said awkwardly. It was the first time we talked ever since that day. "We met again in a party"

"We certainly did, i see your concert has been successful" He said and i nodded.

"Look, i'm so sorry for that day. I owed an explanation to you, but it's nothing so you don't have to worry about it anymore" I 'explained'.

"I always wonder about that day, the fact that it was the last time we talked until now. It's okay Ve, no problem" Charles said. The 'Ve' circled throughout my mind. It has been a while since that nickname has been used, since only he uses it.

"Thank you for the call, i really appreciate it. Again i really apologize about everything i did at that time, but i have my own reasons" I explained.

"We can forget about the past, why don't we start over? A new friendship?" Charles offered. I couldn't say no, besides i should be done with him and no more feelings and running from any problem. I nodded.

"Of course, thank you Charles"

We talked. A lot. He explained that he's done with his girlfriend, well now ex Alexandra. They broke up a year after me leaving that day. I also describe my life recently with the concerts and everything.

"I should listen to your newer songs, from your album 16 if i'm not mistaken?"

"You're correct" The fact that all of the songs from that album is for him, and he don't know.

"I heard 'Take A Chance With Me' blew up and achieved many records didn't it? Congrats for that" He congratulate me. I simply thanked him and tried to change the topic before i lose my mind. I promised him to keep in contact and we separated. I finally found Becca and she's talking to Carlos Sainz? Well they are both Spanish but i didn't see that coming.

"Hey B, and Carlos. It's been a while" I approached them.

"Avery, have you met Charles yet?" Carlos asked. I nodded and Becca shocked face was expressed and i only smiled at her. "So what were you guys talking about?"

"We were just getting to know each other, we met earlier and talked" B responded.

"You guys seems to click with each other i should've introduced you to Carlos 4 years ago" I said and B roll her eyes. "A, he's like an uncle. How would 16 years old me click with him?" Becca said sarcastically. We all laughed and parted ways because i'm tired, i'm only here because of Becca.

"So, you finally talked with Charles again huh?" Becca asked on the way back to my house.

"I guess so. It's nothing though, we were just making up and i apologize for not explaining myself"

"At least it's progress, you made up and now back to talking again" B said. Progress on what exactly, i have zero chance with him after ghosting him like that for no reason. Well there is a reason but he doesn't know that.

I went back home, showered and get to my bed to rest. I checked my phone and i saw a notification from an unknown number.

I love your dress btw

- CL

Fuck i blushed. God bless Becca for the idea of giving me that dress. I saved his number and tried to sleep. Tried. I rolled in my bed for a while until i decided to text him back.


CL 16

I love your dress btw

- CL

Thank you Mr Dreamy

You're still awake?

Oh, you're still awake too?

Here i am?

I'm not sleepy

Do you want to drive around melb?

That doesn't sound too bad, where are you?

I'll pick you up, what's your address?


I get dressed and put on some cute but comfy clothes. I went outside my door and saw him pulling up. That night replayed in my head again. "Hop in Deanne" He talked. I hopped in and he started the car. "This reminds me of that night in Italy" He spoke to me. "Can't believe that was our first day meeting too, you were being super kind to me that day" I voiced my thoughts. The red light stopped the car and he continued to talk. "You were a minor that time, a ride shouldn't be an issue. Until it did" I laughed at that.

"It was so weird, well now i'm an adult so-" I stopped, what was i gonna say again? He gave me a 'what' look indicating i should continue. "Nevermind"

We continued to talk a lot. Talked about life updates and everything. A thought randomly hits me, why the fuck was i so childish and left a man with no explanation. When i only get to know him for only 4 days. Left him just cause i had this small crush on him. Imagine how different things would've been if i wasn't being so childish.

After an hour driving around the city he dropped me back at my house. "Thank you for today Charles" I thanked him.

"Anytime Ve, let's do this again?"

I was shocked but then i nodded. Waved him goodbye and he left. When i went to my bed again i can finally go to sleep.

Take A Chance With Me | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now