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"His voice you'd melt for,

he says my name like"


"We're here"

He got off the car and i did too. We went in and the waitress seems to recognize him. "Back again Mr Charles?" The waitress asked while smiling. He just nodded and she guide us to out seat.

"You've been here a lot?" I asked while we're looking at the menu.

"When it's the grand prix weekend yes frequently"

"Well, are you ready to order?" The waitress from before interrupted us. I noticed the waitress kept on looking at him and has never looked at me. She's definitely a huge fan of him. "So, i'll be getting a pa-" She suddenly interrupted me. "When do you think you'll come back? We can hang out sometimes" The now annoying waitress said. I think he can see how offended i was by that. "The lady was still talking? How do you still have this job if you can't respect a guest?" He said and she's flabbergasted. I smirked and continued my order and he also did.

"What was that? Has she always been like this?" I asked.

"She has been annoying me since she first worked here. Last time when i was here with my girlfriend she flirts with me on purpose. Didn't think she'll serve me again today, sorry about that."

'Girlfriend', his girlfriend Alexandra is really beautiful. She's charming and gives off that really good vibes. Now that i think about it, is it actually okay for me to go out with him?

"So, your girlfriend Alexandra right? She's fine with you taking me out right? I don't wanna cause a misunderstanding."

"I haven't told her yet, but i will when we get back. I'm sure she's fine with me bringing another driver's sister out for dinner. You're also still a minor she wouldn't think anything."

"I see, i've been told i look way mature than my age so people misunderstand a lot. Even compared to Ash i still look mature. I guess i'll take it as a compliment though. Even my close friends says that too. But i guess it's-" I realized i've been blabbering way too long. I feel his gaze on me focusing on what i said. "I'm sorry, i-"

"Here's your meal Mr Charles and this is for you Ms, what's your name again?" I get interrupted by this bitch again. "Avery"

"So what happened with the previous girl?"

Oh she's being so bitchy now, "None of this is your business just serve us our food would you ms?"

"Stacey" She said. "Well i didn't ask for your name did i?" She immediately left while mumbling.

Charles put a shocking face while sipping his drink. I take a deep breath and smiled to myself calming me down. I absolutely hate girls who are all that and tries to bring other girls down to get a man. Believe me, i'm a girly girl but only for the right people.

"Woah, she got to you huh?" He chuckled. "She was being bitchy, i've had it." I replied with an annoyed face. "It's okay by the way" I was shocked by the sudden statement. I tilted my head meaning i didn't get what he meant. "You can blabber all you want, feel free to do so" He smiled after ending his words. "Thank you" I said quietly with a small smile. We continued our meal with a small conversation in between. We finished our meal and he payed for it and we exited the restaurant.


I thought i heard a camera clicking. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "No? What did you hear?" He replied then proceed to ask a question back. "I thought i heard someone taking a picture, with a camera" I said unsure. We just shrugged it off and entered the car. The drive back was quiet between us, only the sound of the music playing is heard. We got off and went to the elevator together, causing some stares from the lobby.

"Thank you Cha-.. thank you" I said on the elevator.

"Please just call me Charles don't worry about it, pleasure to be your driver today Ms Avery" He said smilling.

"As you wish Mr Dreamy" Yep i said i out loud.

"A new nickname, i like it"

We got off at the same floor, turns out we were staying at the same floor. Then we separated. I just spent my time with Charles Leclerc. He's someone i really look up too. So this was an amazing experience. I got to get to know him a bit better. It was a wonderful day.


I woke up getting deja vu hearing my phone ringing so loudly. It was my mom again. I picked it up and she started yelling like i was on the news or something (which never happens). "AVERY BABY HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEWS?"

"What? No, i just woke up."

"Quickly look at the news, you're trending on social media."

I quickly put my phone down and opened any social media platform, i opened instagram and the first post i saw was me, AND CHARLES walking to his car last night. Someone took a picture of us? So it was true the sound i heard. Shit?



'Charles Leclerc was seen exiting a restaurant with another driver's sister Avery Deanne, a singer from Australia'

Did Charles Leclerc broke up with what we know is his current girlfriend Alexandra Saint Mleux, and went out with a supposedly minor? the sixteen years old Avery Deanne. They were seen going out on a date in a restaurant then proceed to drive to their hotel. Read More


WHAT THE FUCK? They know nothing. What is this bullshit. What do they mean by Charles Leclerc going out with a minor. That could possibly ruin his career there's no way he would do that. Shit, shit, shit, why did i agree to go out for dinner with him. This could potentially ruin his race this week in MONZA. This is so bad.

I quickly said my goodbyes to my mom without explaining and called Charles, last night we exchanged phone numbers and social media. What the actual fuck is this news. It was ringing for 5 seconds then he finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Hi Charles i'm so sorry i don't know that dinner would turn to a big deal" I said feeling like i was the one at fault.

"Hey hey don't worry about it; it's clearly not your fault, i don't know who took the picture but it's a misunderstanding anyways. We'll clear this soon, so don't worry about it okay?" He said trying to calm me down.

"Fuck. Okay, should i go to FP1 and FP2 today? Or will it be risky"

"Just go, stay at Alpha Tauri though. It's not like it's true, just be natural and go on with the day. Answer the truth when you're asked by interviewers."

"Okay, okay then. It's a really bad start of this grand prix week i am sorry maybe i shouldn't have said yes yesterday"

"No no. Ve? It was just a dinner nothing else, don't overthink what people said about it, only you and i know this situation the best"

"Okay, thank you for this. I'm sorry again for overthinking too much. I'll let you get ready for today, goodbye" I ended the call.

I don't know how it ends up like this. This was a really bad start of my first grand prix. A rumor about me and a driver? My favorite driver to be exact. I tried not to think much about it. I got ready and met my parents.

"What was that news chérie?" My mom questioned.

I sighed and explained what happened yesterday.

"It was just a fake rumor that people like to make. The thing is that in one time i heard a camera sound but i just let it go." I said

"Oh god, i feel bad for Charles. I hope no one misunderstand this more. Especially his girlfriend."

Fuck, i forgot about Alexandra. I hope she don't think badly of me. Charles said he will tell her after we got back so i'm sure she knows already? I'm sure everything will be fine. Right?

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