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27. Surprise For You

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Collins, Miller, Leo, and me are still waiting for Nicco.

In front of us, New York traffic is lively and fierce. Looming glass and steel buildings stretch as far as the eye can see. Crowds brush past us. There's a definitive nip in the air as the city slips from autumn to winter. The temperature drops when snow begins to fall. I'm dressed warmly in a wool peacoat and cashmere scarf, but a chilled shiver runs through me, nonetheless.

Inside my pocket, a vibration hits my phone.

Nicco: Be there in 5

My mouth frowns. I think I'm still a little in shock. Just because everything has been going our way doesn't mean we can relax. I can't believe he's actually in New York. I wasn't expecting to see him until next month.

How could the bastard ditch London right as we're about to seal the deal with the acquisition?

Nothing with Danmore is set in stone yet. Despite best-laid plans, shit could still go south, and Nicco needs to stay in the UK to weather the storms should they arise. Part of me remains annoyed at him for keeping me in the dark about this unannounced visit. We've been really good about being open and honest with each other lately, and I'd hate for us to take two steps forward and three steps back.

The other part, though?

My heart skips a beat with each minute that ticks by.

Despite my reservations, a broad smile keeps trying to spread across my face. I suppress it even though I'm giddy as a lovesick schoolgirl about seeing Nicco. I won't lie. All of the candied rubbish that Collins, Miller, and Leo fed me is kind of fucking with my head.

I wonder why, out of the blue, they decided to bring this shit up?

Suspicion sharpens my senses.

Could it have something to do with Nicco's impromptu visit?

My gaze thins. Knowing the green-eyed bastard, he must have something hidden up his sleeve. Something big.

But what?

Exactly five minutes later, two identical black Benzes pull up to the curb. Nils Junior sits behind the wheel of the first car. It's usually his job as the driver to open the door for me, but, as always, Nicco's the one who steps out to help me.

"What a gentleman," Miller remarks in Nicco's direction.

"No need to trouble yourself every time, boss," Leo murmurs with a cheeky smirk, "you're paying us to look after Ms. Senarath, right? I'd be happy to help her with the door from now on."

"Like hell you will," Nicco snaps in menacing tones.

"So rude," Leo mutters.

"So possessive," Collins comments.

"So whipped, you mean," Miller counters.

Nicco shoots them a glare that screams shut up or die. "Enough."

"Just trying to help you with what you came here to d—"

"I said," Nicco growls, "enough."

"Apologies, sir."

"I hope you three idiots have not been running your mouths while I was gone?" Nicco barks.

"Of course not, sir."

"Never, sir."

"Our lips have been sealed this whole time, sir."

My suspicions continue to grow when Nicco threatens, "If I find out that one of you let something slip—"

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