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8. One Hell Of A Night

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This fucker.

I am certain that Manning is gloating about what Aria has done with the Gravinski account. My fists tighten under the table even though the outward expression on my face remains calm. For now, I will let him feel superior. The more Manning views me as an unassuming idiot, he is less likely to suspect my hand in turning Juan Pablo's villa to ash.

Oliver's eyes dart between Aria and me. He decides to butt in, uninvited, and drawls, "Pardon the interruption, but I am very curious. What were you two discussing over there?"

"You were speaking with your assistant for an awfully long time," Clark observes with obvious ill intent. "I do hope everything is all right?"

Leaning back in my chair, I toss the question to my two-faced little diavola with a smirk, "Why don't you tell them about our conversation, Aria?"

I am testing her right now.

Will she side with me in front of these sharks?

Or continue clinging to Manning's coattails?

If Aria fails to turn the tables in my favor, it will set my mind at ease, and I will be able to set aside all the doubts she raised in me and focus on tapping into what the bitch knows about Juan Pablo. Then, after wringing out every last drop of intel, I will sever her from my life and never look back.

I stare expectantly at Aria. "Well?"

Not even breaking a sweat, she replies, "It would be my pleasure."

I watch her like obsessively as she faces Oliver and Clark. In a measured, tactful manner, Aria states, "Well, there was a lot to discuss. Mr. Vitale asked me to update him on everything he missed today. He is now all caught up."

She glances at Manning. "And, while I appreciate Mr. Manning's confidence in my abilities, most of the credit for the gains our department have achieved these past few months should be given to Mr. Vitale. In the short time we have worked together, I've learned so much from him on how to get results with less effort and more... efficiency."

Her words echo my earlier sentiment. Indignation darkens Manning and Chester's faces. It is clear Aria is taking a dig at them.

Oliver coughs. "Is that so?"


"You seem to have a high opinion of your boss."

"The highest," she murmurs demurely.

I bite back a scoff. Aria is such a good little bullshitter. We both know that I was a walking liability when I first stepped into my role at Jackson & James. Without Aria's help, the entire department would have fallen to shambles. Yet, within seconds, she has managed to reframe the narrative to my advantage. I resent Aria's competence even though this is exactly what I wanted her to do. For the next hour or so, dinner continues to drag on in this way. We share more stats and business strategies with Oliver, Clark, Connor, and Terry while fending off Manning and Chester's attacks.

When Aria manages to dispel every one of Chester's criticisms about me and our department, he grows desperate and spits at her, "You like spreading your legs for Nicco, don't you, sweetheart?"

My jaw ticks.

Aria deadpans while her gaze flicks toward Chester's forehead, "And you like running your mouth as though there's a brain up there."

"So... you fucked him?"

Aria pales slightly, and I have heard enough. "Chester?"

"Yes, Nicco?"

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