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  Hua Mi squinted slightly for a while, and then the contractor's voice sounded outside the door.

  She opened the door of the RV and heard the contractor outside saying to her with joy,

  "Miss Hua, Miss Hua, do you want to go and see the city wall I built?"

  "My city wall has been built. "

 " It's only been a few days? " Hua Mi looked at the contractor in surprise.

  She did not dampen the contractor's enthusiasm. She turned around and put the children in the twin strollers, and followed the contractor to see the city wall.

  She don't know how the contractor did it, but when the car was still far away, she saw what seemed to be a worldly treasure appearing in the north of Xiangcheng.

  There was a brilliant light there, flickering under the sunlight, which made her eyes sting even from a distance.

  The person driving the car was Huo Jing. He had already had the foresight to do so. He had been wearing sunglasses from the moment Hua Mi got in the car.

  The contractor was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned back to Hua Mi in the back seat and said, "I completed this city wall by myself. When I was building this city wall, I thought of my beautiful and lovely sister."

  " So I used an EX level cut for this city wall to turn it into the most dazzling diamond city wall in the world."

 " Dedicated to our beautiful, generous, gentle and kind sister."

  In the car, Hua Mi used her hands to touch her forehead.

  What can she say about this city wall? It should be quite strong, but it is too dazzling.

  It looks like a very huge diamond, standing on the north side of Xiangcheng.

  What should Hua Mi say? Apart from applauding the contractor, what else could she say?

 The survivors below the city wall were all filled with surprise as they looked at the diamond city wall that had been erected overnight.

  Someone rubbed his eyes, pointed to a large bright light in front of him, and asked:

 "Is it my imagination? Am I dreaming? What is happening here?"

  The survivor standing next to him, with a silly expression, he looked at the diamond wall for a while, then lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

  Look at the diamond wall for a while.

  He wondered, if he could knock a brick off the Diamond City Wall from here and get it to the Xiangcheng base, how much would it cost?

No, they can no longer enter the Xiangcheng base.

  The diamond wall is right on the red line of the contractor's wall.

  In other words, their current location is located outside the Xiangcheng base and between the Yunwu City Wall.

  This is not good news for these stranded survivors.

  And the group of survivors who were surrounded under the wall of cloud and mist also looked at the diamond wall that stood up overnight in surprise.

  They don't understand, how was this wall built?

 Come to think of it, the world has become more and more mysterious, and there are people who can have such great abilities.

I Have Doomsday Supermarket Part 3Where stories live. Discover now