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“It was. You didn't try. You were so involved in your work… you didn't try! You didn't try! You never tried!” She yells, breathing heavily as her nostrils flare up high, anger pouring down her eyes in the form of tears.

“Ire, take my car and go with my driver. Or forget about the trip,” his voice sounded cold coated with anger arising in his veins.

He felt this rising anger whenever Irene spoke, blamed, and argued regarding their child. Her words pricked his heart walls which were still recovering from losing the kid. He knew Irene's words were coming due to hurt, love she had for the baby and Jimin but sometimes he does think that her habit of holding things makes their relationship more difficult to work upon. Its been three years. Three years.

“I…” she gets up, her feet marching towards Jimin. And there she couldn't take more steps as she closes the gap between them. Her palm clutched tightly around his collar, creasing the ironed shirt. Her pupils dilated, making Jimin notice the redness lingering around the rim of her eyes. She is a goddess bathed in blood of her own kid.

“We are both drowning, Darling. Give me your hand… I promise, I won't let you drown. I wasn't always there I know but here I am now. Look at me… I am trying, please let me fix this,” he begs, melting in her gaze. Irene knew she had loved the perfect man but she also knew he was the reason for their baby's death.

He promises he will not let her drown but he let Aera drown in the bath tub. He promises he will fix this but Aera can't come back. He says he tried but he didn't pay attention when ten month kid reached bathtub in his presence… he didn't try to save her, he didn't…

“Irene…” he gets cut off by her palm leaving his collar. She shakes her head in disagreement. She didn't trust him.

“Let's not be together anymore. I am scared to even look at you,” she finally accepts. She speaks about the thing which haunts her every second she spends in this house.

Aera's cry, her giggles, her fragrance, her toys, her little clothes, her feeding bottles, her cot with furry blanket, her tiny nail cutter, comb, shampoo, soap… everything which haunted her, she spoke about it. And this is what Jimin wanted her to do. He wanted her to whimper, complain, yell but not be quiet.

And thus, she spoke and wailed in his arms after three years. Three years passed since Aera went back to heaven yet her name, her memories haunted the house and their love. Jimin held Irene closely, crossing his arms around her waist while her whimpering noise scratched the walls. She doesn't know if she can ever forgive Jimin but she knows it wasn't fully his fault.

Aera and Irene were playing together on the bed past late evening and Jimin just reached home after work. He was getting the bathtub ready to relax for sometime when he got a call regarding a project. Sparing a few minutes for work never bothered Jimin hence he started preparing the mail to send for the pending project. Jimin wasn't even aware that Irene left Aera alone to bring milk from the kitchen. He was right there on the couch but he was engrossed in his work that he didn't hear the little one reaching bathroom. But when he was finished with work he found Irene searching for Aera. And they tried to look for her everywhere with the bathroom in the last. There was their princess floating on the water, unconscious. Irene's breath stuck in her lungs as she halted at the doorstep. While Jimin ran towards his angel.

They did try to save Aera. She was incubated for more than two weeks but nothing worked. Jimin was awake day and night guarding her ward door. He couldn't take this loss. He could never. Every breath he took he wished he could give it to his angel.

“Wake up, love,” were the words he spoke every minute like chanting God's name.

Her loss broke Jimin. Irene. Their love. Their house. The baby took every ounce of love from daddy and mommy with her to heaven.

“Please… never do that again. Don't keep your work above me again,” she begged as she fainted in Jimin's arms. He shakes his head, kissing her temple. He closed his eyes, letting himself shed tears. It was difficult for him too. But having Irene made it a little bearable.

At the court

“After hearing both sides, the court comes to a decision that is lawfully correct and justice to this case. Mrs. Kim Y/N shall get divorced to Mr. Kim Taehyung respectfully with compensation from Kim Taehyung for being incapable of giving his wife, Kim Y/n a married wife rights and happiness. And for having relations outside marriage with a kid on the way before divorce. Considering these points, the court orders Kim Taehyung to pay alimony fee of 100 million won to Mrs. Kim Y/n. On being unable of giving this alimony to her within two months, the court may applies charges and increase it to 200 million won. Thus, the court closes this case,” judge passes the order and rises from his seat making everyone stand up to bow to him in respect.

You couldn't move after his leave. He did what you wanted. You got what you wanted. And this wasn't because of your ego. You wanted all these for cheating. He loved someone else you knew but he had her in his life while being in a marriage made you lose every ounce of respect for him.

He clenches his jaw, his fists form balls as he turns his head to gape at you. You were standing clueless while staring at the forum. He couldn't help but feel his anger rising seeing you alive. He hated you. He hated you from the core walls of his heart. He could have mentioned you as a good wife and a partner if you would have left without creating a mess but now that you've done all these he couldn't help but feel so much despising feeling in his heart, his veins flowing with blood of revenge.

“I won't let you live,” he curses under his breath as he promises himself of taking away your every little happiness. He will take away everything because you took his life, his reputation, his money.

Eleanor gets up holding her belly as her hand reaches Taehyung's shoulder to massage it a little but finds him staring at you. He was gaping at you like he'll never find you again. And Eleanor knew your win in the case has made him lose his patience.

“Congratulations, Ms. Y/N,” Mr. Choi asserts, reaching you and holding his hand out. Shaking your palm to his, you mumble thank you.

You didn't even have a thought to look at him. You were engrossed in your own world. You had so much to do now. Inform your parents, let Jimin know, call Jungkook for the promised dinner.

Leaving the courtroom you hop for the booked cab waiting for you. You were literally smiling ears to ears. You had this butterfly feeling in your stomach reaching till your core. You were too happy. You were free from Taehyung, you were free from the bounded love you had for him. The money didn't matter, it never mattered. You could've accepted if the Judge didn't approve for alimony. Passing through court sessions had already brought you to the stage where you do not care for Taehyung, your love didn't matter now but your self respect did.

After informing your parents, you dial Jimin's number. You were too happy that you were mumbling things to yourself.

Jimin strokes his fingers through sleeping Irene's hair while his edges make a curvy shape. His mind was finally at peace. He wanted their love back, he got it. Suddenly the phone's loud sound echoes the room as he rushes to silence the call before it wakes Irene up.

Seeing your name he giggles as he gets ready to share his biggest happiness with you.

“Jimin, I won the case. I did it!”

“And I won my love back, I got Irene back!!!”

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