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“I am sure you will get the alimony after crying like this in every hearing. But don't you mind, kiddoo… I won't let you rob my son. I'll make sure…” your so called mother in law’s mouth is shut by your father. 

“Do what you think is right. I trust in God, he'll never let my daughter bleed again for your son,” he affirms with his eyes piercing through the old lady's soul.

He definitely had more to say than what he expressed. But he will let time speak and God perform the duties for you.

“Whatever,” she shrugs and follows her family, leaving the courtroom.

“You did great, Y/nie…” Jimin's soft hushful voice cooes your ears, his hand tugging on your palms indicating you to open your eyes. 

You wished reality to be better when you open your eyelids. You wished. And you knew, it wasn't true.

“Baby, it's all good. You'll have to fight harder if you've chosen this path,” your mom rubbed your back as you nod to her say.

“Yeah… I am all good. Let's have lunch at the restaurant nearby. It's famous for its persian cuisine. I want to try it, please,” you pull your lips to smile but you looked like a ghost, smiling cheekily with blood in their eyes and your family, Jimin knew it.

“Oh, really? Let's try it out…” your dad encouraged you, knowing you are trying to change the topic. And Jimin nodded too.

“What? You have to attend the meeting with Kang corporations? You forgot…” you exclaim, making Jimin pass an eye glare at you.

“I… rescheduled it,”

“To when?

“Uh… one week from today,”

“Jimin… you didn't have to…”

“Please let's not talk about this. I am hungry,” he requests, while tweaking your hand in his and pulling you out of the cubicle.

Your parents excused themselves as your dad had to reach his office and your mom  had to attend someone's marriage ceremony leaving you two alone in the exquisite cafe styled restaurant.

You both take seats and order Khoresh-e Fesenjoon, Persian kebabs along with your favourite strong cold coffee.

He starts speaking like a television box you've just started, complaining to you how the employees create a mess in the company. And now that you are not there to coordinate with them makes Jimin more frustrated and your substitute does less than expected. Which eventually implies you did more than asked to. Bad habit Y/n. He keeps on chattering how you would have handled the situations while you just nod, listening to him carefully.

“Thank you,” your gratefulness catches him off guard, making him raise his eyebrows. He just smiles cutely, his eyes disappearing as his lips curls, he shrugs his shoulders while failing to catch your smiling face glimpse.

“Y/n, you know I am your friend now. Boss was earlier,” he giggles, not making an eye contact while his hand moves away from the table allowing the waiter to lay the dishes over the table.

“Yes. I know. And that's why I am thankful. The things going around me are not very positive to keep me grateful to god. But having you, my family and Jungkook reminds me I have many people standing right by me,” you accept, making Jimin agree to your say.

“We know it's too difficult. It's like constantly walking on the path of fire knowing you will have your feet burned. It's like seeing your world in them and finding you are just a dust particle in theirs. Argh… let it be. I just know one thing, y/niee you will be happier. Not sooner, of course, but for sure you'll be happier than you think,” he assures you, making you curl your lips to pout.

“Yeah. Ofcourse, I'll be happier,” you nod with reassurance.

You both start savouring the scrumptious food. Chatting with him seemed so easy and relaxing that you allow him to take a sip of your coffee.

‘Okay, please don't finish my coffee’ was the sentence when you allowed him to taste your coffee. Coffee is your priority, more than Taehyung. More than Taehyung?

‘Yes, more than Taehyung. Coffee comes first,’ you thought.

“What made you giggle?” He questions while you just shake your head. You didn't know you giggled while thinking about priority. But his constant questioning makes you spit out your thoughts.

“It's just that… oh god, I didn't know it was way funnier than I thought… I think coffee is lot more important to me than Taehyung or any love I have for anyone except my parents haha…” you laugh, covering your mouth making Jimin join your laughing session. It made you happy having something above Taehyung,  it made Jimin happy knowing you have some love above Taehyung.

Two months later

You rub your palms around your pants, wiping off the sweat. You were nervous, that was obvious. Today is the final hearing of the court, meaning it can fail you or make Taehyung lose his ego. You hated how taking divorce and asking alimony for the damage a spouse does to their other half feels so challenging. You were self sufficient and educated but it was way more challenging and criticised when uneducated people even think about divorcing in an unhappy marriage.

“Y/n. Jimin is here to pick you up,” Your dad announces while you hop down the stairs. Reaching down, you greet your parents. Hugging you they try to make you understand that whatever happens today they'll always stand with you.

You bid them a bye with a promise that you'll win. They had decided that they'll let you go alone today, they were with you at every hearing but for the final, they had to let you go alone today… to let you know it was your fight and you did your best.

“Bye,” you smile. And wave a goodbye, taking a seat in the car beside Jimin.

“Are we ready?” He raises his brows, pulling up the gear as you nod.

As you ride halfway through the way, Jimin starts the conversation.

“You sure your evidence will make him lose the case. Are you sure… she is pregnant?” He questions.

“I am hell sure. I was in the hospital for an annual check up and I saw her. She had this small… small bump around her lower belly, and there was Tae… Taehyung too, he held her hand to make the way for her. He cared a little too much for even a sick woman. It was too obvious she was pregnant.  And I had Jungkook ask one of his doctor friends if they can help us with this. What I didn't think was her months… she was 5 months into pregnancy, can you imagine Jimin? 5 months means… It has been 3 months since I left his home and this thing has been going on since before that. I was so dumb to even notice…” you pass a sarcastic chuckle. Jimin's hand reaches to your palm, stroking it while you shake your head.

“You don't have to pity, Jimin. I don't cry now. Not at all. I don't feel so much love for Taehyung. Its there... love is there. But I also think it's really about time. Time makes you lose memories, sights of them, their appearance, the love you have for them,” you mutter, looking out of the window. Jimin takes his hand back, letting you rest before the hearing.

Somewhere your words reminded him of himself. How hard was he trying to hold Irene? And why was he trying to hold her in a loveless marriage. She didn't love him now, he knows. She doesn't care if he's alive, he knows. Why was everything so difficult to accept? Why was it so hard to let her go?

“Jimin… you don't have to relate my words to your marriage. She is upset and you've wait to make up for what you did,” you look at him, making him sigh in defeat.



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