17 - A Delicate Web

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As Max leaned against the café wall, his hair dances in the wind, a silent spectator to the scene across the street. There, beneath the blossoming pear trees, a couple strolled with their child, lost in the glow of their phones despite the joyful swinging of their little one between them.

Max chose his position meticulously, knowing that Alex would soon pass on her way home from work. Glancing at his phone, he noted the time with anticipation. 

Any moment now. Let the games begin.

Excitement bubbled within Max as he anticipated the culmination of his meticulously crafted plan, two weeks in the making. At a recent event, he strategically planted the seed of importance regarding the upcoming Flower Extreme event, knowing Alex's boss, Evelyne, would take note and relay its significance to her team and up the pressure on them to get everything right. Discovering that one of Alex's clients was a key participant in the event, Max orchestrated the cancellation of the venue, ensuring Alex would be thrust into a desperate search for an alternative.

Today, with the cancellation confirmed just a week before the event, Max knows the time is ripe for his encounter with Alex. He plans to offer her a helping hand, employing a corporate strategy he knows will increase the likelihood of her cooperation. He understood the principle that reciprocity often greased the wheels of negotiation: people were more inclined to grant favors or concessions if they had already received something in return. Despite his thorough investigation into potential leverage, Max found no obvious vulnerabilities in Alex's situation. Nonetheless, he remains confident that everyone has a price, and he is determined to discover hers in their forthcoming conversation.

As people bustled past, Max meticulously rehearsed his plan one final time in his mind.

Noticing her distress first would cast me in a more compassionate light, perhaps erasing any lingering negative impressions from our initial encounter. 

With a bit of luck, she might chalk up my earlier reactions to a rough day I was having. I'll need to slip that detail into our conversation subtly, to plant the seed of understanding.

All she has to do is accept my offer of help, and the stage will be set.

Come on, Alex, where are you?

A surge of anticipation coursed through his veins as he glanced between his phone and the crowd, his senses sharpened to catch any sign of her.

Any moment now.

Alex, oblivious to the machinations underway, was consumed by the demands of her work. On one hand, she grappled with the aftermath of a sudden disaster—a last-minute venue mishap threatening to derail her upcoming event, still needing to be resolved and communicated to participants. On the other hand, her thoughts strayed to her upcoming date with David, a distraction she couldn't shake despite her best efforts to remain focused on work.

Lost in her phone screen, she navigated the busy street, unaware of Max's presence until she neared the cafe. Max's heart quickened at the sight of her approaching.

Here we go. I'm sorry, Alex, but I need your help.

As Max locked eyes on Alex, he mentally sent an insincere apology, his excitement at his plan unfolding overriding any genuine remorse. Suppressing a flicker of doubt, he steeled himself for the crucial moment.

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