11 - Concerns and Confessions

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After a long day at work, Max, still burdened by the weight of his conversation with his mother, sought solace in a run through the city streets. Clad in athletic gear and with music in his ears, he found refuge in the rhythmic cadence of his footfalls, the rain adding to the therapeutic atmosphere. Amidst the urban landscape, Max's thoughts gradually unraveled, the run becoming a cathartic journey of self-discovery, and by the end, he felt the emotional residue of the day washing away with the rain-soaked streets.

Returning home, drenched yet rejuvenated, Max sought refuge in the warmth of a soothing shower. The cascading water droplets served as a final purging ritual, washing away not only the physical exertion but also the mental and emotional strains of the day. In the solitude of the bathroom, where the echoes of the city faded into the background, Max granted himself a moment of introspection. The steam from the shower swirled around him like wisps of contemplation, creating an ethereal atmosphere in the confined space.

However, this reflective pause was gently interrupted as he stepped out of the shower, greeted by the soft ping of a text from David. The glow of his phone illuminated the dim bathroom, casting a warm light on Max's thoughtful expression. 

The message conveyed a sense of concern, prompting Max to prioritize a visit to David: "Hey, could really use a friend right now. Nothing urgent, just need someone to talk to. - David."

Max swiftly dressed and descended the stairs. 

Arriving at David's door, Max's knocks conveyed both empathy and a willingness to lend an ear. The door opened, revealing David's relieved smile, appreciating the presence of a friend in moments that, held significant emotional weight. In that ordinary yet meaningful interaction, the two friends navigated the challenges of the day together, drawing strength from the shared bond that had weathered both the mundane and the unexpected.

David's apartment embraced Max with its warm wooden floors and industrial aesthetic. The living room featured expansive plants that infused character, and a cooking island stood prominently in the open kitchen. 

As Max stepped in, David expertly poured them glasses of smoky single malt Scotch, suggesting they settle into the inviting leather sofa. They took their places, maintaining a comfortable yet mirrored distance between them.

Seated with bent knees and feet tucked beneath, one hand rested casually on the rail while the other cradled the glasses filled with the rich amber liquid.

David's attention was distracted by situation with his sister, prompting frequent glances at his phone as their conversation unfolded.

"Max," David said, his voice heavy with concern, "I need something to divert my thoughts. Sarah, she... she's in the hospital again. I'm scared it might be serious again."

Max, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded. "I get it, David."

Let's talk about something else. Let me think.

David took a deep breath, attempting to anchor himself in the ongoing conversation.

David's clearly preoccupied, and I can't blame him. Damn, I need to find something to take his mind off things.

Why is it so hard to think of something? David's always been better at this than me.

Alright, here goes. Normally, I wouldn't spill any of this, but if it helps distract him, it's worth a shot.

Having dealt with the serious illness of David's sister in the past, Max empathized deeply with his friend. Recognizing the unwavering support David had provided, particularly over the last two challenging years, prompted Max to reciprocate by sharing the details of his own day. 

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