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I thought that I got away with coming out of Niki's house in the morning, especially after being seen by Hyeri.

I really did think that everything would be okay.

With that mindset, the next morning I went for a morning run. It was rather unusual for me to do so, especially in Seoul where there would be barely any space for me to run, but feeling productive, I made my way outside and started my jog.

I was jogging near the beach, gazing at the waves crashing in on this particularly sunny day. It was going to be a good day, and upon being half way finished through my run around the block, I could feel it in my body that it was going to be a good day.

Though, as I was running near the markets, the grandmas and even the grandpas eyed me, running past their stalls. Now, I wasn't sure if I was overthinking these stares, but I was pretty sure they were talking about me.

They whispered to each other, with the occasional glance. My pace of jogging slowed down, looking around at the eyes on me.

I furrowed my brows slightly, wondering what is going on, what did I do wrong? I looked around once more, realising they were all laughing and exchanging a few looks amongst each other.

But, regardless, I still jogged my way away, heading towards Miss Hwang's store. As soon as I reached it, I walked inside, a few more eyes darting towards me.

"Oh! Yeojin!" She smiled, heading over to me eagerly. She had this look on her face I couldn't quite recognise.

Did I do something wrong?

"Hey Gayoung." I looked around, a little perplexed at still, the weird stares I received from the locals.

"Niki is currently busy, if you were looking for him." She gave a giggle, looking at me with sly anticipation.

I looked at her, gently tilting my head to the left, fully confused at why she would even mention his name.

"Niki? Why would I be looking for Niki?" I swallowed hard, truly praying for a miracle right now.

"Apparently.." She leant in closer, lowering her tone, "You two slept together."

Gayoung started giggling, much like a fangirl, as my jaw simply dropped to the ground, my eyes wide open and utterly speechless.

"Wh.. what? Slept together?? Me? Niki???" The structure of my words fumbled over each other, my heart was somewhat racing, and for some reason I do not know.

Miss Hwang nodded her head vigorously, with a suggestive smile and then a smirk.

"Hyeri said she saw you walk out of his house." She explained, and I couldn't even say anything more, I just let out a mildly exasperated sigh, pressing my hand on my forehead.

Man, when they said word spread fast here, they were seriously not joking.

"I.. hold on, I'll be back later." I genuinely couldn't even form any words, I turned around and left, heading around the city, trying to find Niki.

I scurried around the neighbourhood, taking the most abstract and isolated directions just in order to avoid any questions or lurking. God, Hyeri you really just had to do me like that?

I gave a groan, literally so irritated by this.

"Ah, are you serious? Now people will think I'm a homewrecker." I whined, leaning on a brick wall as I slowly dragged my feet forwards, "Ah, my life is so ruined here too." Followed by a series of more sighs and groans.

"Why... are you speaking to yourself...." That familiar deep voice came from behind me, startling me so much that I jumped.

I spun around insanely quick, my eyes widening.

"Hey. Niki Nishimura." I stared at him, "Why didn't you take me back to Saeron's house that night?!"

Niki gave a series of confused, quick blinks.


"Oh my god, my life is so ruined." I slid down the wall, giving another collective of sighs and groans.

"Uh, did you drink?" Niki dared even ask, and I shot my head up to look at him, my words failing to come out as I stared at his amused face, a small smirk printed on his lips.

I immediately looked away, the racing in my heart reappearing.

"No!!! People are thinking we slept together just because I came out your house early in the morning." I stood up, sluggishly walking forward as Niki followed beside me.

Niki started laughing, and I swear to god, the urge to throw this guy into water was so high. I turned my head to look at him, my expression the total opposite of his amused and entertained one.

"Why the hell are you laughing!?" I exclaimed, wondering what could be so funny about this situation.

"So what if we slept together? It's not a big deal, we're both adults. Come on now Yeojin." He placed his arm around me, so calmly and nonchalantly.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu