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"Who's down for a company dinner? Eh?" My boss asked us all, he says this at least every week. And everybody hates going, but regardless, we have to force ourselves.

I was about to give an excuse as to why I can't go, but somebody else beat me to it.

"Oh! Sir.. I unfortunately can't." Eunji pouted, her face alone frustrated me, don't even get me started on that stupid babyish tone of voice, "I have to go to the hospital for an appointment. Aww... I really wish I could come."

I clenched my jaw together, at her sheer mocking. She was so irritating as a whole, my fucking god.

"Is that so? Well then! Eunji, join us maybe next time!" My boss clapped his hands, then patted his round stomach, satisfied with himself.

It was almost the end of our shifts, the spring skies slowly turning darker. I hoped this summer would be better, but thinking back to the past few years - I highly doubt that this year, summer would be any different.

Sluggishly, I dragged my bag off my desk, ensuring I've got everything. Nobody here enjoyed company dinners, it was the same each time, chicken and soju. It took our boss less than two shots to get wasted and start spewing some sexist nonsense.

Aera looked at me, the exact same expression on her face as mine. Nobody here wanted to go, but refusal would get you blacklisted on Seungmin's list. He'd then act different towards you, maybe even cut your pay, or worse, cut you off completely.

Therefore, just to play it safe, we all just suffered in silence and dealt with the hour or two with him.

"Alriiight! You guys ready?" Seungmin put his jacket on, rubbing his hands together as he stared at our soulless expressions, just wishing this day would end already.

The ten of us reluctantly shifted our legs towards the elevator, heading down to the ground floor, and following Seungmin to the grill place we always go to.

Sitting down on the wooden chairs, I already felt the drowsiness kick in, it wasn't the place, nor the food, it was just the people. Nobody aside from Seungmin, our boss, wanted to be here.

"Let's get this fun started!" Seungmin smiled cheerily, ordering glasses of soju for us all, he looked at the state of us all, monotone expressions, "Hey, what's all your problems? I'm paying for this so you better appreciate it."

Immediately, people sat up, and engaged more, but I just took glass after glass of soju, my head slouched on my hand.

"My wife was talking about how hard her job is, pfft, that woman does nothing but cook and clean, then take care of my son all day. What is so hard about that?" Seungmin started with his antics, I simply rolled my eyes, it was a consistent thing, "God, all these women do is complain nowadays, I remember when a time like that didn't exist!"

An employee beside him gave an awkward laugh, nodding his head in order to not anger him.

"Not this again." Aera whispered, shaking her head and giving a large sigh.

Sometimes I dreamt of running away, and just getting away from my adulthood. When I was a teenager, I used to beg to be older, beg to reach that age where I could make my own source of income, live alone, buy whatever I want.

But now that I'm at that age, it feels like I should've appreciated my childhood a little more.

"Hey! Yeojin! What's with that slouch? If you don't wanna be here you could've just left!" Seungmin was slurring his words, already drunk out of his mind.

I gave a large groan, done with his bullshit already.

He looked at me, blinking rapidly and in sheer disbelief that I gave him some sort of 'attitude' and acting completely uninterested.

"Did you- did you just?" He shook his head, taking another sip of soju, "God these women are so bitchy! I can't even treat my own employees without a woman being ungrateful!"

The entire table fell silent, widened eyes and a tough silence hanging over everyone. I figured that I was seriously over this man, I stood up, about to leave without saying anything to provoke him.

It'd be for the best, but of course, I couldn't leave peacefully without Seungmin stopping me.

I turned around at his voice, requesting my name. I stared him dead in the eyes, he couldn't even hold his eyelids open for more than five seconds, even sat down, he was wobbling.

"You're a crazy woman Yeojin! Really fucking crazy!" His cheeks flushed red from his drunkenness, I simply gave a sigh, walking back to the table and grabbing a bottle of soju.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now