chapter 6

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Three of them went out saying BYE to their parents and got into Nicky's Mercedes car, Ricky,Minho and Felix in back and Nicky in passenger seat and they had a driver. And they left for going to school..

[ In school ]
Ricky's POV

We entered in the school and Nicky separate d his way as he saw his friends. It felt like everyone was looking at us, however i saw a special boy, who felt like a good person with handsome look. But I saw something thing that I never thought I would have seen. It was Han Sohee , who was my girlfriend, she was a precious person to me also she was perfect and beautiful. (A.N. Ok, for your information, she is a ALPHA.)

I ran towards her, she was kind of unhappy to see me maybe. I went and hugged her.

Han Sohee - Hi , we meet again after 2 years.
Felix - HOLLY MOLY, what are you doing here?
Han Sohee - I resently admitted to this school.
Ricky - Oh such a great news. We can again be couples.
Han Sohee - Yes.
Minho - How are you?
Han Sohee - Fine and what about you all?
Ricky, Minho and Felix - Fine.
Han Sohee - ok let's go and find our class. Okay?
Ricky - Okay.

We went to and found our class and sat together. Class started. It was math, i really don't like it. So i was adoring the beauty of Han Sohee. But I noticed that she didn't even care. I was kind of shocked. Then maths end and one sir come.

Sir- Dear students, we have a good news. We are going on a trip to Korea.
All students - YEAH..........
Sir- Ok ok, come down. So, it is a free trip and also for a week. We will go on after 3 days .

And the sir left. We all were very happy. All the classes happened and me, Minho, Felix and Nicky went home.

[ After 3 days ]
Ricky's POV

It was day for ours trip. I went to school as usual with wearing a beautiful dress and packing my bag with some important stuff that i might need. As we would take plane so we were given a ticket and went inside a big bus . I sat with my cute brother, as my mother told me take care of them. I saw Han Sohee sit with Wooyoung and San behind us. I was a little jealous but I saw she was comfortable so I thought it was ok. We left the school and head to airport, and we had to go through some process and then we got into the plane.

[In the plane]

I sat with Han Sohee, and both of my brother sat infront of us. I was happy but......................

(Hope you like this chapter. Also, guess what will happen in the next chapter, let me know the ideas in comment.)

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